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File Comments posted by Voltti

    Pokemon Grand Colosseum

       58190    63

    You know, I will say that this ROM HACK has absolutely changed the way you play this game, and ultimately rekindled my desire to play this game with modern mechanics and the like. The work really shows, and I think I speak for a lot of people when we say "good job," Kya. Not many people have the time or the energy to want to try and pull something like this off, so I'm always appreciative towards those that take the time out of their day to learn how to do just that. :)

    As a personal request, if this game gets updated in the future, would there be a possibility to be able to have an additional version without Rui's changed voicelines? I'm a big fan of her original character, personally, and it's just weird to me to have that changed. (no sweat if not, of course, your mod your rules, but I thought asking couldn't hurt)

    Thanks for this mod all the same! :D

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