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File Comments posted by RoivasO

    Pokemon Grand Colosseum

       58190    63

    It has been great being able to play through Colosseum with many of the QOL changes that have come from later gens. I was even enjoying the increased difficulty level right up to Realgem Tower.

    I'm not the best player by any stretch, but the permanent weather teams used by the admins are simply atrocious. You said above that there are "plenty" of shadow mons who learn the weather moves, but from looking at your docs there are only 3 that learn Rain Dance and two of them learn it at least 6 levels past the suggested level cap. No move tutor or tm either so if you remove the weather move you are screwed. 

    I'm sure many will enjoy the increased challenge, and pouring over docs of endgame content to know what moves you can and can't replace on your mons for the whole game but that's not me. Thank you for the effort that clearly went into a great mod for those who like a challenge. 

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