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  1. This is off of hiatus now? Sweet! I just finished a repeat save of this a few days ago and missed the update... whoops! Out of curiosity, how major are the new dialogue changes? EDIT: So based on the read me it is mostly that one scene. Neat, might have to replay it just for that, we will see!
  2. Okay, since I am no life crew, I went and finished the demo, not sure how often you look at this page but here is some feedback Misdreavius 100% gets more stats then my partner (bunnery) did, I think I got +2 to each of my stats for all of my levels, I finished at I think 21? My partner on the other hand only got +2 to a single stat a couple of times. I imagine this is not intentional? Misdreavius also levels much slower, it only amounted to being 1 whole level lower than my partner, but I imagine over the course of the entire game that is gonna add up. Otherwise, the gameplay is pretty standard and their is no much to be said about the gameplay side, it is pretty standard stuff, enemies having TM/Special moves was interesting, but was never super problematic. I think I only died once? And that was because I decide to take on a monster house job at like lv 10. Did not go well lol. One suggestion that I think is good on the gameplay side is to add a quick patch for the Spinda Cafe, I know that other hacks like Explorers of the Skies have done it, so it is possible. It just makes it so that making drinks is so much faster and less tedious, but that is a minor thing. Story Stuff Anyway, really liked the story, looking forward to seeing how it develops (once it comes off of hiatus)!
  3. So I just started playing this hack. And I think misdreavus might be a bit busted. When I LV up i get +2 to all stats, each level, one level I even got +3! My partner only gets +1. Is this intentional? I am only level 8, so 3 levels is not that big of a serving size, but it seems pretty busted so far... edit: maybe I am just a dum-dum, just saw my partner get a 2 and a 3 in one level up. So maybe I just got lucky?
  4. Just played this hack in its entirety today and yesterday (yes I do have no life, thank you very much!), and well, I love it, probably the best hack of any game I have ever played, not that I have played that many, but you get the idea! In fact, I am pretty sad that it ended, but I still have those extra dungeons to do! I wanted to post my thoughts about this hack so I made this account to do just that. I split it up into groups under spoiler tabs to save room on this page, there shouldn't actually be any major spoilers, very minor at worst. Gameplay/Combat Story (minimal/minor spoilers, nothing too major, mostly stuff you would see by the very early parts of the game) Other than that I loved the hack, it was a blast to play, and I will likely play it again in a couple of months, to remind myself of all the great dialogue and such. So thanks for the fun time!
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