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File Reviews posted by OsuIst

    Pokemon Grand Colosseum

       59232    63

    I started playing this hack a few days ago and now that I am finished and it has been a pleasant experience.
    - I know that in the original there werent that many shadow pokemon, but it may have been possible to add a few more. Its mostly the same Pokemon as in the original, except for a few like Salamance out of my head. and not only the shadow pkmn, most of the trainer have the exact same pkmn.
    I even remember getting Heracross here in the Pokemon Lab and in the original in Realgam Tower. It could have been a new pkmn instead of it switching with another one.
    It got a little stale for me.
    I find it good however, that most of the trainer pokemon are evolutions. Take for example the first trainer in the game.

    - The Master Ball Glitch still is in the game. It works by catching a shadow Pokemon with your first pokemon and than switching the master ball with another ball in your items. It could be prevented by simply turning it off. So you cant switch items while in battle. It isnt a big deal, you can just avoid to do it in the first place. 
    Also a wider variety of balls to buy would be a good inclusion. And not beeing able to buy balls in other places and only in Outskirt Stand.
    Same goes for some other items.  Also its nice that it seemed a little easier to catch pokemon. Was the catch rate for the 3 dogs higher? I did like that. 

    - Trainers tend to be a little dumb. Sometimes they boost their stats even tho they only have 10% hp left. They sometimes attack the pokemon that is resisting their attack and not the one weak to it. The lvl Cap is fine however. You are never overleveled and thats a good thing. You also dont have to grind as much. Its a good pacing.

    - Items overall. I know its 3rd gen but if we take Pokemon xg for example, there was not only Choice band, but Choice specs and lifeorb included. Some others as well. Having more options when team building is always good. 

    I did llike many quality of life changes tho. Including physical/special split was needed in these old games. Many pokemon were unusable because of that. Reusing TMs, beeing able to see your shadow pokemons nature before it is freed. That wasnt possible before.

    Having said all that, I dont know how hard it is to program new things into the game. Like more shadow pokemon or new items.
    I still think it was fun overall, but it could defintly improve a little :)

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