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  1. everything matches apart from the PID. IVs match, size and scaling match, nature matches, and tera type. I am just wondering why the PID is different from this tool and the auto legality mod plug in. Edit: Nevermind, i thought shinyness was based off PID and EC but its not. my post can be ignored.
  2. Hi, Thanks for making this tool but I am having some troubles with the PID generated. When i enter this in PKHex, i get PID mismatch and when i compare a "legal" version of a pokemon in PKHex and use this tool to look for the stats for a legal pokemon, the PID is different. I have a screenshot below of an example and used the "Auto-Legality Mod" to generate the "legal" version. If I replace the PID with the one from the RaidCalc it becomes illegal. Is this PID not the same as the PID for the pokemon?
  3. alpha bonsly (and sudowoodo) not being picked up as alpha
  4. Attached grapploct is showing as illegal after evolving from the attached clobbopus. Taunt was taught using TR37 then replaced with octolock on evolution with rare candy 853 ★ - Grapploct - 674FE876C625.pk8852 ★ - Clobbopus - 414EE876C625.pk8
  5. I had a legal clobbopus (hatched from an egg with egg moves) and I evolved it to a lv 2 grapploct (with a rare candy) and now it is illegal in pkhex. Moves of the clobbopus are pain split, circle throw, sucker punch, powerup punch. Moves of the grapploct are octolock, pain split, sucker punch, power-up punch. The PKHex error is "Invalid: Moves combinations is not compatible with Grapploct evolution". Seems the legality checker does not factor in pre evolution/egg moves for grapploct?
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