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  1. Thanks for testing! Well, A-save is ok as it has all the basic features. I will try to learn some hex editing to cover the gap
  2. Ah I see. Sorry for bad English, I mean the species, not types
  3. Thanks mate. I will try tweaking with pokemon types later. Ideally, I hope pkhex could allow these pokemons to be shown. Considering the rom hack is completely for single player, it does not break the experience of others. Please find my save game here, based on Pokemon Glazed 8.7.1. Thanks again for helping!
  4. Unfortunately, no. I make a few screenshots for Druddigon (0x0100) in Pokemon Glazed to explain the problem. Please check here.
  5. Maybe I'm wrong, but I had difficulties editing monsters from Pokemon Glazed (a rom hack based on Emerald). The rom hack uses pokemon IDs that are not used in the official Emerald (id from 0x00FC to 0x0114). In PhHex, these pokemons don't get displayed at all.
  6. Well, depite this save editor is considered to be outdated. It's the most friendly one for rom hacks due to the lack of legality check.
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