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About dreamxtheater

  • Birthday August 30

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  1. Thank you so much for the information! I very much want to stay away from messing with my switch, but wanted to prep my 3dsxl. I used to clone and make pokemon but that was back using python and the old GTS now I feel like a fish out of water haha. I've been getting a hang of making legit mons which feels nice, the Met location was difficult for me at first. is there any guides you can recommend for modding a 3ds and getting it ready to use with PKHeX? That is pretty much the step I'm at now, I've already made sure my DS doesn't have anything currently done to it so I'm good to go.... Hopefully I don't royally mess it up xD
  2. I've played almost all the pokemon games minus a few newer ones. I stopped playing after a difficult separation and lost my love for the games. I started playing Pokemon Go during my pregnancy during the pandemic and the love was back, I bought sword and shield, jumped right back in like I never left and I'd love to be part of a community of people who love Pokemon too. I used to clone and gen Pokemon but have no idea how to do it now. Downloading PKhex is what brought me here and hopefully I can learn how to do everything again! So, Hi everyone!
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