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Posts posted by Soggg

  1. 26 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Looks like you going for Gen 7 TID.
    You should be using TrainerID7 and TrainerSID7

    I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.
    Literally just worked for me.


    Perhaps because the OT_Name, TID, SID doesn't match your save?
    I imagine that were to be the case. Can't say for sure.


    I can confirm Met Year isn't working for me too.

    It looks like you're trying to randomize the Date/Month?
    Perhaps use this to apply the entire datestamp (includes the year) first,
    then perform date/month randomization.

    .HT_Name isn't working for me too. Presumably it becomes the name of the save file.
    .HyperTrainFlags=$suggest ain't working for me too.

    Thank you very much, this fixed it for me. My apologies, I made a mistake, .OT_Name does indeed work without any problem.

    Anyone else knows why .HT_Name=Test and .HyperTrainFlags=$suggest is not working?

  2. Hey all,

    I want to batch edit some pokemons but many lines are not doing whats intended. Right now I have the following code:

    .SID=3907 -> Gives me "0255" -> solved (SID7), thanks @theSLAYER
    .TID=303290 -> Gives me "631536"-> solved (ID7), thanks @theSLAYER
    .CurrentHandler=0 -> Not working
    .Met_Year=2021-> Not working solved (.MetDate=20210101), thanks @theSLAYER
    .HT_Name=Test -> Not working
    .HyperTrainFlags=$suggest -> Not working

    As you can see, not all lines are working. I cannot find the issue, could someone please help me?

    Thanks in advance!

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