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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. ill go to disc replay and buy a wii then cuz i dont wanna mess up my gf's wii
  2. are you talking about the link cable that goes to the back of the gameboy? also is that link homebrew?
  3. yes i have both.
  4. https://gbatemp.net/threads/help-i-cant-dump-gba-vc-saves.493554/ do i need a sd card for anything? my flash boy doesnt even have a slot for a sd card.
  5. yeah i even played it to the point where i chose squirtle as my partner. and then i beat some rattata ass. saved again.
  6. i have to head to bed for work tomorrow. found this and i didnt know if it was anything. https://www.ngemu.com/threads/fix-your-broken-pokemon-firered-leaf-green-saves-here.114277/ but idk if it applys here.
  7. silver has a battery constantly powering the ram, i think. it pulled out no problem though.POKEMON_SLVAAXE.sav heres it again if you need it. no none of my friends would have something like that. ill just have to keep trying trial and error as far as methods and softwares. edit: what is an si file. everytime i read the rom it gives me the .gba and then gives me a .si file.POKEMON FIRE.si
  8. heres a funny thing, is i dont think the software is able to touch the ram AT ALL of the legit cartridge. i just tried to erase the save and it stalled again.
  9. POKEMON FIRE_2021.09.07-21.13.43.sav still rubbish nonesense?? edit: nevermind i checked it. yeah its trash. what if i switch it to gbc and try and restore it that way. but it wont work right?? gahhh
  10. Hey im back man. I backed up the save from my pokemon silver cartridge. and i was able to restore it to the cartridge. using the flash boy pixel online software from that reddit post i believe. i switched the settings to gbc since its a gameboy color cartridge. i have no idea what i did right this time compared to what im doing wrong when it comes to the fire red saves.POKEMON_SLVAAXE.sav EDIT: i tried with that software to restore the fire red. it just does not want to restore it. it throws such a fit for some reason. 2nd edit: if the file was corrupt on the legit fire red will it have a hard time pulling the save?? when i started messing with it i corrupted the original save that came with the authentic cartridge. then saved over it.
  11. yes i do! i have gameboy color games like tetris and some other things that i can look at later tonight. thanks for your help i need a break. thanks so much again dude. you've been great.
  12. i dont, no edit: something really strange is when i look into what kinda cart i have agb- whatever mine doesnt come up.
  13. so i tried it again on that gbx and its saying the firmware needs to be updated on the reader. im thinkning i got a terrible cartridge reader. or im doing something wrong.
  14. dude ive been looking and it almost seems that mine is real. i looked at a couple and mine seems to be another variant but all the boards look and are in the same place. the pcb board itself looks all the same except the nintendo is like the one the one that has that I in a circle on that reddit post excpet mine has an MB in a circle.... im so confused. is it fake?? i have no idea because it seems so real. https://chieftain20.wordpress.com/2014/05/17/complete-guide-to-authentic-gba-pokemon-games/ look at the pcb on the fire red on this guys site. and then get ready to see mine.
  15. ok so this is the sav file the flash boy software that the guy with the mac pulled up.POKEMON FIRE.sav the chinese version didnt work and then that software that you linked had connected but when i tried to do anything it wanted an updated version of what ever i forgot what it said but it wanted r46 or something. im starting to think maybe this cartridge is fake which is really disappointing. Thank you so much for your help though and your effort. it has been really nice.
  16. Flash Boy 3.1 Cyclone GBC/GBA Burner Dumper Archive Backup Read Camera - Taobao the program has a help drop down that sends me to this link. it says game freak presents on it.
  17. yeah i can try but their website is mega chinese and is really hard to navigate. i might need to buy another dumper.
  18. yeah it was the flash boy
  19. it said no saves found
  20. i thought so. correct label. indented small serial code. 4 panels on the back of the chip visible through the cartridge. nintend above the connection prongs.
  21. i connected with the flash boy and hit back up save. this is what it gives me.POKEMON FIRE_2021.09.07-14.04.55.sav
  22. oh my bad i changed it to a .gba file to run it through pkhex without thinking.POKEMON FIRE_2021.09.07-13.37.30.sav
  23. here they are. the 09-06 is my save from my bootleg. the 07 is the new save save1-2021-09-06 13-13-40-0x1FC0000-halfpatched.sav save0-2021-09-07 13-45-01-0x0.sav
  24. ok so the retail cart already had a save and i made two new saves just like you said and neither of them come up in pkhex. my save from my bootleg cartridge does though.
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