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Everything posted by WJP123

  1. Thank you for the fast reply. So I read through that thread, and I'm not really too sure on what to make of it, all of this is kinda gibberish to me given how new I am at this. But the basic synopsis I picked up on is that I'm screwed? There's no way to match the PID's in generation 8?
  2. Hello everyone. I am trying to create a shiny Gardevoir with the "calmness" mark so it can have a special tagline when being called out into battle. (https://www.serebii.net/swordshield/marks.shtml) But when I check the legality, it gives me the "Invalid: Encounter Type PID mismatch" error. I've tried looking this error up, but all the information on it seems to be revolving around generations 4 and 5, and I'm working with generation 8. I can change the encounter to be an egg encounter and that makes it legal, but egg pokemon cannot have marks, which defeats the whole purpose. Through some thread delving I was led to a tool called "RNGReporter" (link below to thread) that seems to generate legal PID values for pokemon encounters? (I don't know, I don't really understand all this.) But then again, it seems to only be for the DS generation games. Does anyone know how to resolve this error for Pokemon Sword and Shield? I'll have my gardevoir I'm working on attached below. 282 ★ - Gardevoir - BA8CA32EB1CF.pk8
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