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Posts posted by Desmondcsz

  1. Recently found out that the Misty Mark can actually be obtained in SV but it's only in very specific spots as mist isn't a proper weather normally.

    Have managed to get a handful of marked pokemon with the mark, but tried to load one up in PkHex and saw it was marked as illegal in both the public build and the dev build.

    So was just wondering if there's any chance that support for the mark would be added eventually, or if it'd be left as is since it requires a set up in-game to even have a chance of getting it.

  2. 5 hours ago, Johh said:


    How exactly were you shiny hunting it? Heracross is one of the few shadow-locked mons so that also might be why it's marked as illegal.

    I'm also running tests with PokeFinder and I'm not finding any possible seeds for this specific Heracross

  3. 54 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I don’t really know, the discussion was brought up before, either here on the Discord, but I’m not sure if they found what they wanted. Or maybe they did, but didn’t share it high server it was. Until you find a recommended server, all you can really do is to check there’s a tracker before doing anything else :(

    I see, well I'll tell them regardless and maybe they can tweak the bots or something, in the meantime I'll also keep the tracked files just in case as well.

    Thank you for the help!

  4. 47 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Yeah some sysbot has been removing trackers, a remnant from SWSH-HOME only days, where removing the tracker would not cause the Mon to look illegal in HOME, and those mons gain a new tracker.


    So yeah, in present days, once the tracker is rendered illegal (making it 0 does so as well) and has re-entered HOME via the wrong game (to gain a new tracker), the “illegalness” persists, even if it continues to have the new “broken” tracker.

    That's so unfortunate. Would you recommend trying the other bots then and see if any works properly? Since as far as I know, there's 2 owners in the discord server so not all bots are setup the same. And would it be worth bringing this up to their attention too?

  5. 8 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    I'm assuming this appears that way because you viewed it in HOME. Are you absolutely sure there has been zero edits?

    This happens when you do anything to break the validity of the HOME tracker. (Read here)

    Yes, when viewed in HOME they had missing stuff, in-game they had the right info. And I'm absolutely certain, these files are the ones I wanted to edit (mainly for the ribbons really) but kept the unedited ones after seeing the missing stuff.

    8 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    Also, if you want to provide files, provide the same file/mon in different points of time. One before trade, one after trade.
    Can't exactly do a comparison when they're both different :(

    This didn't cross my mind but here I attached the files after being traded back to SV.


    8 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    edit: Also, don't perform trades with your 'Alice' account in the mix. The trainer name has oddities.

    "Alice" is the name of one of the sysbots I've been using in a discord, been using all of them for months. But since you say it has oddities, File 1 here was traded by Alice, File 2 was traded by another bot.

    File 1-Post Trade.pk9 File 2-Post Trade.pk9

  6. Hoping to get some insight/help with this.

    A couple of days ago I was doing transfers from Bank to Home to SV, it went smoothly but then, I used a sysbot to get their files on my pc, wanting to edit them to give them all their possible TMs and a ribbon or two, however when I traded them back to SV and Home, I noticed that some information/data was missing.

    Thinking that it might've been the edits, I tried trading myself back the unedited files but then those also showed up with missing stuff. I loaded up the unedited files on PkHex again to try and see if anything was being marked wrong but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

    File 1 is an unedited Quilava that was just transferred from Bank to SV, not even used in-game for a minute. Back in Home it showed with No Pokeball and met location of "---".

    File 2 is a Quilava that was transferred to SV, PLA then back to SV. Back in Home this one also showed up as if it had been generated in SV, no trace at all of Bank's nor PLA's data.


    Earlier today I transferred a clone of each into SV then back to Home without trying to trade them in SV and so far neither has lost info/data.

    File 1.pk9 File 2.pk9

  7. 3 hours ago, RoninS said:

    This mean that from 5th gen is impossible recognized a shiny generated with Action Replay (or directly with “Shiny finder PID” button on the Pkhex)?.. Is truly sufficent only change the PID for have a legal shiny mons? ..

    Not quite "impossible" since it also would depend on how the Action Replay gives you the shinies, for example, some AR force the same Shiny PID everytime so even though the pokemon would be legal, they'll all be "clones" of each other and that of course would be an obvious sign that they're not legit.

    But yes, for the most part it will be enough to change the PID from normal to a shiny one and the game won't see any issue with that.

  8. 16 hours ago, RoninS said:

    The thing is that starting from Gen 5, they made it so Any PID is possible, meaning that the shiny generated via action replay are still technically obtainable in-game and thus, are marked as legal.

    You'd have to mess up badly in order for the shinies to be marked as illegal (i.e. trying to assign impossible stats, abilities, etc.)


    Gen 4 on the other hand (and Gen 3) had more limitations so PID generating required a bit more in order to get legal pokemon.

  9. 2 hours ago, eltoto said:

    I went to Phenac's Pre-Gym, I spoke with the professor, and I defeated Justy, but the Pokédex didn't update. Can you tell me who I should talk to, what I should do, or suggest a tool to make the necessary modification?

    Thank you for your time :)

    It's the Teacher NPC to the left, you talk to her and she updates the dex.

    If that isn't working then that means the game isn't recognizing that you changed it, and you'd have to look for another tool to properly edit the dex.

  10. 3 hours ago, eltoto said:

    I modified the Pokémon (Colosseum) using PKHeX (added missing Pokémon, purified them, etc.), but the Pokédex doesn't recognize my work and doesn't update! How can I fix this? Thank you :)

    PkHex doesn't have an option to edit Colo's Strategy Memo so you'd have to "update" it in-game at Phenac's Pre-Gym. If that doesn't work then you'd have to look for another tool to edit it.

  11. 3 hours ago, apri said:

    Oh cool! Good to know.

    So do I need to find a new PID for the already caught Pokémon that I now put the new TID/SID on? Cause I assume the old PID was chosen for them to correlate to my old TID, and now a new PID need to match the new TID, right?

    You can leave the PIDs as they are really, the only reason to change them would be if some of them were shiny, as shininess uses TID/SID so if you change the original combo, the pokemon will not be shiny anymore and you'll have to find a new shiny PID for the new combo

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  12. On 6/2/2023 at 9:04 AM, apri said:


    I just did some tests on my HG save file. Changing TID/SID didn't affect the legality of already caught pokemon, though stuff like shininess changes due to the new combo.


    If you edit your TID/SID then the game will just "accommodate" to that and generate regular, legal PIDs for the new combo

    • Like 1
  13. 53 minutes ago, Ottozone said:

    I looked through all the options and dropdowns in PKHeX, but can't find anything regarding block level for the safari zone. Is there something I am missing? I'm using the latest version. This would be much faster than waiting the 100+ days I would need to wait for specific Pokemon to spawn. 

    Yeah there doesn't seem to be an option for Safari Zone edits.

    However there's also a method to get the 100+ days using time manipulation if you'd be interested in that instead.

  14. 6 hours ago, ImperialEcho said:

    Did you ever figure out how to add more Pokemon? Following everything in this thread I can change the initial six that are in Ranch, but I can't figure out how to add more than that.

    Assuming you mean adding more being the issue, instead of the save getting corrupted, unfortunately ranch has a hard limit to how many pokemon can be deposited at a time, you have to manually change date enough times for Hailey to go "Now the ranch can support X pokemon" And then using PkHex you will be able to reach that limit quickly.

  15. 2 hours ago, ZoanX said:

    I'm trying to put a shiny Pokémon GO mew in Pokémon HOME, in this case I wanted to change some information, I wanted to know if there's something I can't change, or if I can change everything as long as the pokémon remains legal in PKHEX?

    It's generally not recommended to change anything from a pokemon that already has a HOME tracker

  16. 2 hours ago, Shadowtron said:

    How do i make it legal? I did not face these issues when attempting to add a normal magearna.

    Well original magearna is a special case since it's generated in Home.

    But anyways, the latest official build of pkhex gives these problems, however if you switch to a Dev build, Original Magearna doesn't show these errors and shows it as legal again.

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