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  1. Ok yeah I should have specified and just straight didn't realise. Yes I'm doing it with XY, so Gen VI. I do not know coding one tiny bit so I'm assuming from that description that there's not really much I can do exactly myself. But that's fine, it seems I can use a method to use Eternal Forme as a 'mega evolution' so I think I'll just go down that route, making the forme just a form of Mega in my playthrough.
  2. Can anyone help me out? I just got the file (after much annoyance of seemingly not getting the right thing) but now it's not finding any .3ds files, specifically my Pokémon Y. I click open navigate to the folder it's in, and just nothing. It doesn't find any file. There's nothing I can really attach to show, because it's just folders and zero actual files in the 'open' tab. Scratch that got it fixed. New thing though; If I can't find out how, I'll make it a mega and work out how to make it work. But is there a way to reliably have a Floette evolve in to Eternal Floette? I saw there was the option for changing / adding evolution paths but couldn't find Eternal in the dropdown options. Basically I'm thinking of making it a split evo, either Florges or Eternal Floette. If I can't, I'm just giving Flabebe/Floette the chance to be holding a Gracidia which will be the mega evo trigger.
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