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Posts posted by futuu

  1. some problems have been resolved

    "the flags are all set on when i editing items" i said before is that

    all the left line(OFFSET XXX0) were set to 01 when editing items and also the latest version

    set all XXX0 to 00 can resolve but if use items editor they will be back😅

    i know XXX8 is sort and XXXC is count

    but what's the meaning of XXXA-XXXB?

  2. 36 minutes ago, Kaphotics said:

    This has been fixed in the latest commits; try using your backup with the most recent Development Build that is posted in the downloads section.

    i used latest 21.11.27 and caused the problem

    and i want to know if i can repair it by set the left line to 0

    because i don't know what right line means

    and it seems some data has been pushed to C830


  3. 3 hours ago, Cass said:

    This seems very similar to my issue, which involves setting ONLY the SID to zero, with values in the TID. It also doesn't seem to effect pks caught while my ID is set as #####/00000, they are caught and assigned the ID without issue. Also, I can start the game and play it just fine, only problem I am seeing is display of trainer card.


    Has this always been the case, or is this new with BDSP?

    i found that

    while SID=0 freeze at trainer card screen

    while SID and TID=0 can't enter

    so i set 0001/000000 now😅


    i downloaded a save data from here just 1 slot is red

    the offset of misc slots are random decided?


  4. It seems Pt/HGSS are using the same offsets
    +61B0 for Pt or +4B40 for HGSS
       4 score
     10 berry planted
     1C wild pokemon battles
     20 NPC trainer battles
     24 pokemon caught
     28 times fished
     2C eggs hatched
     30 pokemon evolved
     38 played in game corner
     3C battle tower continues won
     4C link trades
     50 link battles
     54 link battle wins
     58 link battle losses
     60 wifi trades
     64 wifi battles
     68 wifi battle wins
     6C wifi battle losses
     74 battle tower won
     8C money spent
     A0 daycare sent
     A4 pokemon defeated
     B4 mail wrote
     C0 TV watched
     C4 nicknames given
     CC berries pokemon picked
     C8 premium ball got
     D0 poffin made
     DC ***unknown Pt recorded
     E0 ***unknown Pt recorded
     E4 battleground won
     E8 battle frontier total won
     EC battle brains total won
     F0 battle factory won
     F4 battle castle won
     F8 battle hall won
     FC battle arcade won
    100 battle factory pokemon changed
    104 battle castle CP total remained
    108 battle hall over level 10 selected?
    10C battle arcade bonus BP?
    110 BP got
    114 BP spent
    118 ***unknown Pt recorded
    120 championship won
    -126 splash used
    -142 contest participated
    144 link contest participated?
    -146 contest won
    148 link contest won?
    14C move no effect
    -14E own pokemon fainted
    150 friendlyfire?
    -152 failed run
    154 pokemon run
    -156 failed fishing
    174 fossil restored
    -176 ***unknown Pt recorded

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/20/2021 at 12:42 PM, WonderSquid said:

    Will be coming back to look into this at a later point, because several of the addresses listed in the reply above do not seem to be correct just from a cursory glance, especially because medals SHOULD be triggered by these edits, but obviously there are a lot of them to go over. I also know some of these are stored at multiple locations but the medals will only check for the changed number at one of them (generally in Trainer Records), so we'll have to see.

    by my latest research result there are 3 types of triggers to send medals
    1 checking trainer records and sets medal flag1+2 on
    2 checking event flags and sets medal flag1+2 on
    3 sets medal flag1+2 on directly
    if set all medal flag1+2 on will get all medals immediately


    generation 5 save tool

    flag1 hint medal can be received
    flag1+flag2 medal can be received
    flag2 hint medal obtained
    flag3 obtained(date will become 2000/0/0 if only flag3)
    flag4 unread(shine)


  6. it's triggered by a flag
    i just remember it's near to the battle records

    set 21D04 or 21B04(BW2) to 07F0
    F means
    single cleared
    double cleared
    multi cleared
    super single cleared

    7 means
    super double cleared
    super multi cleared
    talked with multi partner first time

    trophy = event flag(unset) 0683, 0684, 0685

    I think flag0 1 2 3 7 in PKHeX is useless or wrong(especially 7 why +88)

  7. Trainer Records is encrypted by LCRNG algorithm
    Y0 = seed

    Yn+1 = Yn * 0x41C64E6D + 0x6073
    Xn = origin data XOR Yn 3&4th bytes

    Pt: 61B4~6367 seed: 6368~636B
    HGSS: 4B44~4CF7 seed: 4CF8~4CFB

    DP are not encrypted


    Pt can receive globe and crystals from Mr. Goods
    accessed GTS: flag 2444 set
    used another underground count by constant 71, 72, 73, 84: ->100
    DP is 70~73

    HGSS event flag(unset) 0681, 0682, 0683 = battle tower trophy
    flag 0239, 0240, 0241 constant 226: ->4(conversation) = all Pokéathlon basement room enterable
    flag(unset) 0725, 0726, 0727, 0728, 0729 = room items


    • Like 1
  8. i tried to get medals legally(?) to edit trainer records
    but many medals are not caused by them
      0 steps
      4 times saved
      8 cleared time
      C times biked
     10 total battles
     14 wild pokemon battles
     18 NPC trainer battles
     1C pokemon caught
     20 times fished
     24 eggs hatched
     28 pokemon evolved
     2C healed?
     30 link trades
     34 link battles
     38 link battle wins
     3C link battle losses
     40 wifi trades
     44 wifi battles
     48 wifi battle wins
     4C wifi battle losses
     50 (no data here)
     54 times shopped
     58 money spent
     5C TV watched
     60 daycare sent
     64 pokemon defeat
     68 highest EXP got
     6C EXP got today
     70 GTS sent
     74 mail sent
     78 nicknames given
     7C premium ball got
     80 nimbasa stadiums battles
     84 BP got
     88 BP spent
     8C (no data here)
     90 ir trades?
     94 ir battles?
     98 ir battle wins?
     9C ir battle losses?
     A0 (no data here)
     A4 (no data here)
     A8 fly used(not recorded in bw)
     AC trash box inspected
     B0 hidden item found
     B4 pass power used
     B8 entralink caught
     BC move nice effect
     C0 pokewood level reached?
     C4 treehollow trainer defeated
     C8 ballon score
     CC pokewood highest box office?
     D0 pokewood total box office?
     D4~118 (not used)?
    11C championship won
    -11E rested at home
    120 splash used
    -122 struggle used
    124 move no effect
    -126 own pokemon fainted
    128 friendlyfire?
    -12A failed run
    12C pokemon run
    -12E failed fishing
    130 pokemon defeat high
    -132 pokemon defeat today
    134 pokemon caught high
    -136 pokemon caught today
    138 defeat trainer high
    -13A defeat trainer today
    13C pokemon evolved high
    -13E pokemon evolved today
    140 fossil restored
    -142 spin trade times
    144~16C  (not used)?
    16E ***unknown B2W2 recorded
    170 feeling check times
    -172 musical attempt?
    174 musical wins
    -176 musical attempt?
    178 (no data here)
    --17B musical fans meet(>=2F)
    17C (no data here)
    180 battle institute tested
    184 battle institute wins
    -186 battle institute score
    188 vending machine used
    -18A royal unova ride
    18C avenue joins
    -18E avenue shops
    190 minigames played
    -192 souvenirs got
    194 pokewood movie created

  9. 10 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

    The offset in the save file is constant, but the value you've highlighted in blue is not present in all save files. I suspect you've highlighted the object header for the block, which is not saved in the SAV.

    What is the offset this data is at in the save file?

    both 1D800 i think


    and also records data after that such as the pokemon no. when cleared the gym, what the npc tells



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