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  1. Oh, but even if the tutorial is outdated, I have managed to extract the samples (even if i don't need them). The only thing which connects me to COL is that I need the MIDI files for a project, and because a single person seemed to get those MIDI files from Colosseum, i thought that there would be a converter or anything for that, since the .mid files have the same file names like the .fdat files which i've extracted yesterday.
  2. Hey, I am looking for a way to extract the music from Pokémon Colosseum. I have already decompressed the files I need from the bgm_archive.fsys thanks to the decompressing tutorial from @StarsMmd. Reason for that is that i found a MIDI / soundfont pack with the music from COL, but it seems that some of these .mid files are a bit.... off? Most of the tracks are okay, only the time signatures seem to be wrong, but the pitch (in all songs where pitchbending was used) is more than only broken. The pitch lines are wide over the song duration, which can be sen on picture 1 and 2. The samples are okay, so I don't need them to extract. I will attach some examples for my problem and why i want to extract the music. Is there anything known how to convert / extract the MIDI files from Colosseum? Thanks in advance! ^^ (Oh, and if anyone thinks that I am new to this site and only came in for asking this: no, I had an account here already, but I can't remember my old login data, since it was more than 5 years ago when I have visited this community the last time, I think.)
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