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Posts posted by jimaws1

  1. Hello guys!I tried to inject my events in my cartridge but I have an issue at one step.I used the Mystery Gift Tool 0.1e for editing my sav.file and I pressed the Button "Official Event Distributor".Then,it appeared me the new window with Gen3 Event Toll 0.1e,I chose the event for my cartridge and at the end I pressed "Inject and Save".After this,it appeared me a window with a message and I have the choice to press "Continue" or "Exit".So,i press continue and I imagined that I have the event but unfortuntely I didn't get it.What does it happen?

  2. 14 minutes ago, SkyLink98 said:

    You can have multiple saves on the SD card in which you have GBA Backup Tool, you can select the one to be restored in the cart each time you run the tool. Please read carefully the tutorial @BlackShark posted here.

    Once you inject an event Wonder Card in Gen 3, you have to talk with a delivery man/pg in order to claim the gift. It may change between the games or the event, so check the info for the event you're interested in.

    Thank you very much for the info!I will try it

  3. 48 minutes ago, SkyLink98 said:

    No. Gba Backup Tool will flash the save into the cartridge, you can eject the cart from the console and the edited file will still be there.

    Unless you have a bootleg copy of the game, in that case the save restore process might not be succesfull.

    And how can I keep my edited save file into my cartridge?Because I have the old one stored too in GBA Backup Tool.I mean that I don't want the edited file only with GBA Backup Tool but also without it.In addition,will I find the secret tickets (which I chose to obtain) in my bag immediately?

  4. Firstly,I thought that I need two gba sp,two adaptors,an ez-flash omega,my actual game.So before I obtain my events to the ez flash(in order to transfer them to the other gba sp through mystery gift),I need to create this save file which demands a NDS and a DS flash card for using the GBA Backup Tool.Therefore as you tell me I don't need the ez flash omega for tranferring my events but I need to edit my save file.It's simpler than I thought.

  5. Hello everyone!I found randomly this topic and as a beginner I would like to ask you some things.I have an ez flash omega and I want to put in it as more secret tickets(mysticticket,aurora ticket,old sea map) as I can for pokemon gen3.I downloaded this mystery gift tool 0.1e and I made a random folder on my desktop of my PC but when I press "load save file" and choose my empty folder I cannot use it for going on the process.Can you explain to me what happens?I'm sorry for my ignorance.

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