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Meny_Marquez last won the day on September 2 2021

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About Meny_Marquez


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  1. It would do you good to stop posting these kind of links.

    1. Nael


      Hello, it's to know if there is a poke bank rom hack so that i can transfer my pokemon from black and white

    2. theSLAYER



      There isn't a ROM hack for Poke Bank, and that link won't help you.

      I'm not identifying which one of these points matter to you fellas; you got to figure that out yourself:
      1. Self promotion and advertising is is against guidelines
      2. Our site doesn't allow those below 13 to join (and you can't fake your age to join as well)
      3. Using alts is frowned upon.

      In any case, please read through our rules again. Let's not proceed further with this conversation. I've said my piece.

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