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Posts posted by Aqueel

  1. Then give him some dragons for the newer generations, it would give people an exciting taste of what they'll be able to get after they beat him and get the National Dex =D

    Besides, as Champion, it makes sense that he would be able to afford to travel further and catch different Pokemon.

  2. You can't get any more realistic than finding Geodudes and Ponytas in Route 215 in Sinnoh at D/P (don't know what that route is? You'll see what I mean :eek:)

    Isn't it normally raining in that route? I thought it was weird running into Ponyta in Pearl.

  3. Good luck training that thing though. I bought one for 500 Pokes at RBY :)[/s]

    Oh, it was a pain, but I would normally have a Gyradoes by the second gym. (Yeah, I used to buy him in R/B) I'd just have him at the front of my party, and then switch over....kill the enemy Poke, switch back to Magikarp....switch back to another....

  4. Well, I'm definitely not going to choose Cyndaquil, considering it's ezmode. Plus all my friend's normally pick the fire starter, and I like to pick something different.

    Chikorita gives the biggest in-game challenge, so that's a plus for me, considering I find the main storylines to be too easy.

    But that post about Totodiles strengths really make me consider choosing him for multiplayer play.

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