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Posts posted by Ziz

  1. Yep, flying Wailmer's are awesome. I also like the part when Buizel sprayed it with water to stop it from being lethargic then the Wailmer started bouncing like crazy.


    Funniest I've ever seen.

    I watched it cause I was up at that hour for some unknown reason. But anyways, it was pretty boring. One of those meaningless episodes. One quick question though, why does every Pokémon automatically know Ice Beam?


    Apparently to freeze water into a ramp to help Pokemon get up the canal waterfalls. xD The creators have to make Pokemon learn some moves so it can fit with the anime plot.

    3/10 sounds right. The reason I don't watch the actual episodes (I read the summaries) is because of the episodic style of the pokemon Anime.

    The synopsis didn't discuss a persistent Wailmer who thought he was a flying type.

  2. Hehe, you knew it was coming. Post your opinion of the cutest pokemon and a reason why you chose them. For me they're :

    [sprite]320[/sprite] Cuz' he's all bouncy! Plus the episode today was hilarious.

    [sprite]321[/sprite] IT CAN SELFDESTRUCT Do I need to say more?

  3. Other? i feel neglected, I'm from New Zealand, well I'm living currently in New Zealand, I'm 50% Philippino which is Asian.

    Lol, I was born in New York, and I'm 100% Philippino. Go Asia! lol

  4. Well my personal experiences have not shown good results. I've had about 30 Ralts eggs with the female Adamant holding an Everstone, not a single one was Adamant. I'm sorry if the statement I made was untrue, it will be edited out.

  5. Pokeballs ftw!

    First I try a Quick Ball, then if that doesn't work I throw random Pokeballs depending on which effect would work best. When its an easy legend, I chuck Pokeballs, screw the catch rate.

  6. Use these  and Put the URL to the Image in between those two Image tags. (  and of course )

    TO get the URL go to sites like http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites.html and click on whicher pokemon you want, If you have fire fox just right click it and go to " COPY IMAGE LOCATION" if your in Internet explorer copy and paste the URL in the address bar and put that in between the image tags. Good luck. :D

    Or you could just use [ sprite ]POKEMON NUMBER HERE[ /sprite ]

    and [ shinysprite ] [ /shinysprite ] for shinies :P (WITHOUT the spaces between the brackets)

    1st : [shinysprite]475[/shinysprite]

    2nd : [shinysprite]448[/shinysprite]

    3rd : [sprite]461[/sprite]

    4th : [sprite]473[/sprite]

    Pretty much most of the new evolutions of older pokemon :P

    But nothing compares to :


    I just luv that picture :D

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