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Everything posted by Joe69420

  1. so as the pic show this is the pokemon i caught from train station so idk about what to do so thanks any way
  2. oh thanks alot man you really helped me
  3. mr mime is may 22 to may 29 2020 and poynta 29 may to 5 june
  4. the latest update and they were released not far ago i guess i mean mr mime and ponyta
  5. is there a reason that all of these are illegal?
  6. oh i see thanks alot
  7. i think you may have misunderstood me i meant about the sid and ot name
  8. so i got an event Zeraora from ultra sun to sword and when i try to change the ot name this happens and this is not my id or my sid
  9. oh thanks alot man seems wired about downsizing them tho but sill thanks alot
  10. ohh i see is there a list of pkmn i cant transfer? also what happens if i add that pokemon to the game?
  11. thanks alot man but the first image happens which is not the problem the problem is the second image thanks alot man i have been a very tiring man
  12. ahh i see thanks alot man but do u have the files for these pokemon and is there a way to make myself as their ot?
  13. what is dream radar and what are most of these stuff could u explain btw most of these pkmn pokemon are not in the encounter database
  14. is there a way to put Legendaries in eggs orsoemthing like that that can make it level 1 or so?
  15. i did solve try to search for the static but still no result edit it worked thanks alot man
  16. so i download the latest update and i just noticed that the encounter database is empty so is there a way to get it back and still use 8th gen games
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