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Posts posted by rhakdnjdy

  1. On 4/21/2020 at 7:16 PM, spursoxox1654 said:

    I'm not really good with this kind of stuff, but been trying to follow the instructions. Still failed. Seeking for guidance.
    So I'm on Catalina 10.15.4

    First, I downloaded the new PKHeX.app
    Then I entered the codes on recovery mode


    But I still can't open the PKHeX app. Just nothing happens. Would really appreciate some guidance

    Is there any step I missed? Also, when entering the codes in terminal, there is no response from the terminal. Is that normal?

    PS I've got only 15GB left in my MBP before launching PKHeX? Could that be the reason I can't launch the app?

    In my experience, I first booted with recovery mode and typed:

    nvram boot-args=“no32exec=0”

    and, downloaded zip file from @pkman99. Next, open zip file, moved to Applications folder, and typed command in terminal (it's quite different from original post):

    sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/PKHeX.app

    Finally, I opened it with secondary clicking and click "open" of PKHeX application in Applications folder.

  2. @pkman99

    Thanks. I've installed it. But when I opened file of pokemon(citra) to access, those files are hidden file or system file (".local"), so I can't open it&edit.

    Do you experienced similar cases or have some advices?


  3. On 4/6/2020 at 7:45 AM, pkman99 said:


    Only just uploaded that today I’m still busy even with everything locked down due to my job....

    I uploaded an updated PKHeX.app select the newer one.

    Unpack and run the first time using the Open command from secondary clicking, if the applicaions shows as corrupted you would need to run a command via terminal


    sudo xattr -d -rs com.apple.quarantine “drop wrapper here”


    Then press Enter and enter your admin password so the quarantine mark is removed from the PKHeX application.


    Now the application should run without issue on 10.8>10.14, Catalina requires ruining 10.15.4 and setting a boot argument to get it working.

    Your pkhex application is damaged file.. I'm in 10.15.4 and how to solve it?

    I'm actually confused about, is it right to just start pkhex with only your application, or something additional? (wrapper is wineskin exe..?)

    nvram boot-args=“no32exec=0”

    and is it boot argument for Catalina?

    Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 15.30.06.png

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