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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/21 in Posts

  1. Does anyone know where it is and how to open them? I searched the entire ROM for Type, LV., And Z-moves graphics to edit and translate, but I couldn't find it. I am using the pk3DS program to unpack .garc files. But there are some .garc files that pk3DS is unable to read and generates an error message. I believe that in any of these files that I can't open, there are the graphics I'm looking for. I am using pk3DS + Kukki to export bclim to png to edit. Here is the list of important .garc files that I found for editing, to translate from ENG > POR. The rest remains to be found, which I did not find due to the impossibility of access. a/0/6/7 a/0/6/8 a/0/7/9 a/0/9/9 a/1/0/1 a/1/3/2 a/1/3/5 a/1/4/3 a/1/5/6 a/1/6/6 a/1/6/9 a/2/2/3 a/2/3/9 a/2/4/9 a/2/6/4 a/2/8/2 a/2/8/5 a/2/9/4 a/2/9/5 a/2/9/6 Edit: I'll add more information about the problem. I found most of them and I organize in folders named with the path of the original file to replace after editing Kukki can open and export bflim > png, but, to acess the other bflim that I want, I need to found, and to found, I need the acess that pk3ds don't give to me (I think). Some files it does not open. I believe that the graphics I want are in them, because I have already explored all the files that it opens. In Pokémon XY and ORAS, I found all the graphics that I need to translate, but, for some reason, it was not possible in sun/moon. The graphics are: Types > Fire, Grass, Water, etc Status > Frozen, Burned, Poisoned, etc Z-Moves > Catastropika, etc I don't know if the Z-moves are graphics. I will try to change the name of some of them in text to test later. If they are, I haven't found them either.
    1 point
  2. You need a hacked 3DS, the suggested guide can be found here: https://3ds.hacks.guide/ With that you can dump/restore your cart saves, and eventually edit them with PKHeX.
    1 point
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