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Mixed up Match ups: Gin vs Tbird: A Multitier Round


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Mixed up Match ups:

Gin vs Tbird:

A Multitier Round


So, this is a round of three multitier exhibition matches played between Tbird and I. Each warstory is going up one at a time, and features commentary from both players. Teams used will be added to the top as each match is posted


Gin's Teams





Tbird's Teams






Match One


Gin's Ubers:[iCON]205[/iCON][iCON]250[/iCON][iCON]380[/iCON][iCON]383[/iCON][iCON]150[/iCON][iCON]484[/iCON]

Tbird's UU:[iCON]232[/iCON][iCON]480[/iCON][iCON]359[/iCON][iCON]078[/iCON][iCON]171[/iCON][iCON]429[/iCON]

Tbird's comments will be in green.

Gin's comments will be in red.



Rules: Evasion Clause, Extended Game, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause

gin sent out Aaroniero (lvl 100 Forretress ?).

Tbird sent out The Don (lvl 100 Donphan ?).

gin: UU or OU?

gin: or Ubers?

Tbird: UU

gin: UU v Ubers, then

Tbird: Joy xD

The Don used Earthquake.

Aaroniero lost 50% of its health.

The Don lost 10% of its health.

Aaroniero used Spikes.

Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Aaroniero's leftovers restored its health a little!

Aaroniero restored 6% of its health.

Ok here I probably should have laid SR straight off of the bat, but I decided I wanted to kill forrestess… It’s ugly. And I knew it could really set up or touch me. More reason for SR I guess. :/

No idea what kind of team he’s running, so I ask. When I find out, I get that warm feeling inside. Might as well start setting up.



The Don used Earthquake.

Aaroniero lost 51% of its health.

The Don lost 10% of its health.

Aaroniero used Spikes.

Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Aaroniero's leftovers restored its health a little!

Aaroniero restored 6% of its health.

More trying to destroy it. But Oh well I’ll be rapid spinning next turn anyhow.

Wow, that was a LOT of damage…I should’ve killed it, probably, but I set up.



The Don used Rapid Spin.

The Don blew away the spikes!

It's not very effective...

Aaroniero lost 3% of its health.

The Don lost 10% of its health.

Aaroniero used Rapid Spin.

The Don lost 4% of its health.

Aaroniero's leftovers restored its health a little!

Aaroniero restored 6% of its health.

I was kind of hoping Rapid spin would kill it at this point.. apparently not even a crit would have KOed it.

I was expecting SR here, that’s what I would have done. My spikes are gone…



The Don used Earthquake.

Aaroniero lost 52% of its health.

gin's Aaroniero fainted.

The Don lost 10% of its health.

And I die…



gin switched in Wonderweiss (lvl 100 Ho-oh).

Wonderweiss is exerting its pressure!

gin: ...

gin: No SR

Tbird: Mehh

gin: You're screwed

gin: ...

Even Bobulous was confused why I didn’t SR… I have learnt my lesson xD.

He doesn’t have SR up, so I might as well put in Ho-oh. I’d rather get sun up first to boost my damage with Sacred Fire, but I don’t want to risk it.



Tbird switched in Onetrick (lvl 100 Rapidash ?).

Wonderweiss used Sacred Fire.

Onetrick's Flash Fire raised its fire power!

Ho-Oh … scared fire … flash Fire :D. Problem is there’s not much I can do other than a shaky chance of putting it to sleep (scarfed Rapidash ftw). However at this point it’s the best chance I have against it.

He manages to block my Sacred Fire, but it doesn’t really matter. I carry EQ for Heatran, and it’ll do here



Onetrick used Hypnosis.

Onetrick's attack missed!

Wonderweiss used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Onetrick lost 161% of its health.

Tbird's Onetrick fainted.

Wonderweiss lost 10% of its health.

I guess I am screwed :/

That was scarfed, I guess. Anyway, it misses and dies.




gin: ...

Tbird: Naw crap

Tbird switched in Elmo (lvl 100 Lanturn ?).

Tbird switched in Auxi (lvl 100 Uxie).

Auxi makes ground moves miss with Levitate!

Wonderweiss used Earthquake.

Wonderweiss's attack missed!

The Old Rope-a-dope comes in handy here :P. What have I accomplished with this successful double switch?...

Double switches out of my Earthquake, but it doesn’t matter.




gin switched in Yammy (lvl 100 Groudon).

Yammy's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

The sun began to shine!

Auxi used U-turn.

Yammy lost 8% of its health.

Tbird switched in The Don (lvl 100 Donphan ?).

The sun continues to shine.

Yammy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Yammy restored 6% of its health.

Absolutely nothing :/. Though I did get to scout his Groudon.

If he’s gonna try to cripple something, it should be Groudon. He takes hits and provides support, so he can die and we’ll be ok. Plus, the sun will help out Ho-oh.



Yammy used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

The Don used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

The sun continues to shine.

Yammy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Yammy restored 6% of its health.

At this point I figure Donphan is the best chance I have against the physical behemoth. So in he comes. If do nothing other than tank a hit and lay down some rocks for Ho Oh Later on. Thankfully He had the same thought in mind. And The Don gets to live for another Turn :D.

I didn’t think he’d stay in, as EQ would get rid of him fast. So I get the crucial SR out, and OOH that hurts. Now we’ll have a problem getting Ho-oh in the fray.



Tbird switched in Auxi (lvl 100 Uxie).

Pointed stones dug into Auxi.

Auxi lost 12% of its health.

Auxi makes ground moves miss with Levitate!

Yammy used Earthquake.

Yammy's attack missed!

The sun continues to shine.

Auxi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Auxi restored 6% of its health.

Sensing EQ coming I bring back Uxie. Get reflect up and hope I don’t get pwned.

He outpredicts me at this point, nimbly switching back to Uxie.



Yammy used Toxic.

Auxi was badly poisoned!

Auxi used Reflect.

A barrier was formed!

The sun continues to shine.

Auxi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Auxi restored 6% of its health.

Auxi is hurt by poison!

Auxi lost 6% of its health.

I wasn’t expecting toxic I have to admit. But it buys me a little more time to live so I can’t complain… I’m a packin’ heal bell anyhow :D.

Uxie is wallish, so I hit it with Toxic. I don’t want to switch in case of trick or something.



gin: No spinner.

gin: :\

gin switched in Wonderweiss (lvl 100 Ho-oh).

Wonderweiss is exerting its pressure!

Pointed stones dug into Wonderweiss.

Wonderweiss lost 50% of its health.

Auxi used Heal Bell.

The sun continues to shine.

Auxi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Auxi restored 6% of its health.

^ ^ ^ See? Heal Bell. 50% on the switch that’s a nice hefty chunk. Alas I doubt that psychic (mono attacker) is going to do all that much :/.

I suddenly realize that OOPS! I don’t have a spinner anymore (Forry died) So I decide to get out Ho-oh in the hopes of clobbering his team.



Wonderweiss used Sacred Fire.

Auxi lost 31% of its health.

Wonderweiss lost 10% of its health.

Auxi used Psychic.

Wonderweiss lost 15% of its health.

Wonderweiss's special defence was lowered.

The sun continues to shine.

Auxi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Auxi restored 6% of its health.

This turn really surprised me. 31% from Stab in the sun?! Reflect or no that’s pretty beasting. And I got me a nice bit of hax too :D.

The reflect is really saving him. The spdef drop could cause me some problems, and my health running slightly low.



Wonderweiss used Roost.

Wonderweiss restored 50% of its health.

Auxi used Psychic.

Wonderweiss lost 21% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

Auxi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Auxi restored 6% of its health.

Hell, I got a bit brave here after recent events so thought I’d do what all short men do and kept-a-swingin’ >: )

I figure that this isn’t working. He’ll just psychic me dead, and Sacred Fire has limited PP.




gin switched in Halibel (lvl 100 Latias ?).

Pointed stones dug into Halibel.

Halibel lost 12% of its health.

Auxi used U-turn.

It's super effective!

Halibel lost 28% of its health.

Tbird switched in Virgil (lvl 100 Absol ?).

Pointed stones dug into Virgil.

Virgil lost 12% of its health.

Virgil's reflect wore off!

The sun continues to shine.

Can someone say lucky :P?? Honestly I just thought him roosting gives me opportunity to switch out. Seeing Latias I assumed Absol would be a prime.. or atleast my best switch in.

I switch in Latias, as she’s my special sponge.



Halibel used Protect.

Halibel protected itself!

Virgil used Swords Dance.

Virgil's attack was sharply raised.

The sun continues to shine.

Everyone and there brother knows Absol packs Sucker Punch and devastatingly at that. So I used that to set up an SD Hoping he’d be fearing it. And fear it he did.

Another overpredict. I knew that he knew that I ran CM Latias, so I thought that he would act on that and Night Slash me. I wanted to check that, so I protected to cover myself for a sucker punch as well. Obviously, I overlooked the obvious move.



Halibel used Wish.

Halibel made a wish!

Virgil used Swords Dance.

Virgil's attack was sharply raised.

The sun continues to shine.

Most people would attack here and get the mind games reversed but I got brave and took the chance for the next SD… Probably a bad move but it felt good at the time. And it paid off :).

I wish to save myself from sucker punch, I’m gonna go Groudon and beat him dead.



gin: ...

gin: Your move

Virgil used Sucker Punch.

It's super effective!

Halibel lost 371% of its health.

gin's Halibel fainted.

Virgil lost 10% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

I was grabbing some food as you can see xD. I didn’t expect he’d let me get to plus 6 as there isn’t really ANYTHING that can stop that, so I finally sucker Punch.

Tbird takes ages to get his British food, and I assume he’ll finish up the SDing, expecting the switch, so I go for a dragon Pulse.



Tbird: Sorry was grabbing crisps xD

gin switched in Yammy (lvl 100 Groudon).

Yammy's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

Pointed stones dug into Yammy.

Yammy lost 6% of its health.

Virgil used Swords Dance.

Virgil's attack was sharply raised.

Yammy used Toxic.

Yammy's attack missed!

The sun continues to shine.

Yammy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Yammy restored 6% of its health.

Pure Lucky guess here. Yes I know… greedy… but can you blame me … I’m against Ubers for crying out loud.

Toxic would have done some damage, and I’m slightly scared of Sucker Punch. I ran some calcs while he was gone, and figured that +4 max attack will do 92.1% - 108.4% damage. On the other hand, Psycho Cut, a common move on Absol, only does like 53.7% - 63.4%. So, I really oughta Toxic him and hope to beat him there



Virgil used Superpower.

A critical hit!

Yammy lost 288% of its health.

gin's Yammy fainted.

Virgil's attack was lowered.

Virgil's defence was lowered.

Virgil lost 10% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

The crit was unnecessary, however it would appear that the prior sword dance certainly was necessary.

Well, looks like that beat me. If toxic had hit, he would be gone..



gin: :x

Tbird: Thank god for +6 xD

gin: Didn't matter

gin switched in Ulquiorra (lvl 100 Mewtwo).

Ulquiorra is exerting its pressure!

Pointed stones dug into Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra lost 12% of its health.

Ulquiorra used Aura Sphere.

It's super effective!

Virgil lost 172% of its health.

Tbird's Virgil fainted.

Ulquiorra lost 10% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

Here it all fell apart. But hey, I did well.



gin: What was that?

Tbird: Super pwer :/

Tbird: I dunno

gin: Should've just SPunched

Tbird: I was stupid

Tbird: :/

gin: Expecting CM?

Tbird: I was ecpecting you to expect sucker ... never mind xD

Tbird switched in Auxi (lvl 100 Uxie).

Pointed stones dug into Auxi.

Auxi lost 12% of its health.

Ulquiorra used Taunt.

Auxi fell for the taunt!

Auxi used U-turn.

It's super effective!

Ulquiorra lost 28% of its health.

gin: ..

Tbird: Sall I got to hurt it

gin: Bleh

Tbird: Might try and put toxic on it :/

gin: It's 4-3 :x

gin: What else are you running on that?

Tbird: Hal bell/U turn/Psychic/ Reflect

Tbird: Works in UU!!!!

gin: Mmm

gin: Looks like its working here, too

gin: :x

Tbird switched in Elmo (lvl 100 Lanturn ?).

Pointed stones dug into Elmo.

Elmo lost 12% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

Elmo's leftovers restored its health a little!

Elmo restored 6% of its health.

Wall of text… Basically I I got a cheap shot with U-turn. Well read the text it’s explained lol.

Guess he’s expecting me to CM or something, dunno, really. I’m sort of hoping he Night Slashes, overpredicting, and my prediction about his prediction about my prediction about him seems like it comes true.



Ulquiorra used Aura Sphere.

Elmo lost 35% of its health.

Ulquiorra lost 10% of its health.

Elmo used Substitute.

Elmo lost 25% of its health.

Elmo made a substitute!

The sun continues to shine.

Elmo's leftovers restored its health a little!

Elmo restored 6% of its health.

I figure I’d tank some hits with my trusty Elmo. And tank it I did.

He eats up that damage like a sandwhich, but I’m not too worried. He can’t do too much back.



Ulquiorra used Aura Sphere.

The substitute took damage for Elmo!

Elmo's substitute faded!

Elmo used Discharge.

Ulquiorra lost 29% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

Elmo's leftovers restored its health a little!

Elmo restored 6% of its health.

Hoping for some parahax here. But I guess after all my luck already it was not to be :/.

Keep smacking that thing with the monster that is Mewtwo..



gin: Nice Spdef

Tbird: I love my Elmo (L)

Ulquiorra used Taunt.

Elmo fell for the taunt!

Elmo used Charge Beam.

Ulquiorra lost 15% of its health.

gin's Ulquiorra fainted.

Elmo's special attack was raised.

The sun continues to shine.

Elmo's leftovers restored its health a little!

Elmo restored 6% of its health.

gin: Misclick :\

I was on 42% here so I figured I just outright attack. Thankfully he taunted my sub… maybe not thankfully. In any case Mewtwo down. Elmo at +1… Yes I know you’re all quaking in your boots lol.

Ugh, I misclick and end up dying. My latest version of this team has mewtwo using self-destruct, but I’m not able to find a flawless self-destruct mewtwo on wifi…




gin switched in Wonderweiss (lvl 100 Ho-oh).

Wonderweiss is exerting its pressure!

Pointed stones dug into Wonderweiss.

Wonderweiss lost 50% of its health.

gin's Wonderweiss fainted.

gin switched in Szayel (lvl 100 Palkia).

Szayel is exerting its pressure!

Pointed stones dug into Szayel.

Szayel lost 12% of its health.

Szayel used Outrage.

Szayel went on a rampage!

Elmo lost 56% of its health.

Tbird's Elmo fainted.

The sun continues to shine.

I knew those rocks were a good idea >: )… But now I got this darned beast to compete with :/.

Ho-oh falls, and all of a sudden, I’m on my last poke. I’m not too worried, because it’s scarf Palkia. Faster and Stronger than his entire team.



Tbird switched in The Don (lvl 100 Donphan ?).

Pointed stones dug into The Don.

The Don lost 6% of its health.

gin: gg

Tbird: Not yet xD

The Don used Ice Shard.

Szayel lost 20% of its health.

The Don lost 10% of its health.

Szayel used Outrage.

The Don lost 35% of its health.

Szayel's rampage ended.

Szayel became confused!

The sun continues to shine.

Donphan is a physical wall after all… and HE could lay the hurting with Ice Shard so I figured why not. I’m surprised he even tanked the first hit. I do love The Don.

I don’t have a choice anymore…



The Don used Ice Shard.

Szayel lost 20% of its health.

The Don lost 10% of its health.

Tbird's The Don fainted.

Szayel is confused!

Szayel used Outrage.

But there was no target!

The sun continues to shine.

Well Fair play Donphan did do a great job.

Darn, I wasted one of my outrages.



Tbird switched in Auxi (lvl 100 Uxie).

Pointed stones dug into Auxi.

Auxi lost 12% of its health.

Szayel is confused!

It hurt itself in its confusion!

Szayel lost 14% of its health.

Auxi used Reflect.

A barrier was formed!

The sun continues to shine.

Auxi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Auxi restored 6% of its health.

A bit of hax never hurt :P. Reflect here so he doesn’t destroy through confusion.

If I hadn’t hurt myself there, I could have had the gamewith a bit of luck..



gin: Wow

gin: Hax

gin: :|

Tbird: Meh I can't complain xD

Szayel is confused!

Szayel used Outrage.

Szayel went on a rampage!

Auxi lost 14% of its health.

Auxi used Psychic.

Szayel lost 23% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

Auxi's leftovers restored its health a little!

Auxi restored 6% of its health.

Uxie is demon. Tanking that hit like a pro and dishing out as good as it gets :P.




gin: Meh

Szayel is confused!

Szayel used Outrage.

Auxi lost 14% of its health.

Auxi used Psychic.

Szayel lost 22% of its health.

gin's Szayel fainted.

Tbird wins!

Tbird: :o

gin: gg

Tbird: Gg man

gin: Save this log

Tbird: Madness

gin: Bleh

gin: Nice Prediction

And that is all she wrote. Really quite a good game … from me anyhow xD. A lot of luck but … well lets face it I needed it xD.

Wow. That was pretty cool for our first match of this series. Really unexpected, as not only is this ubers, my forte, against UU, but this particular team is rather powerful, having gone up against greats such as Kevin Garrett.






Edited by wraith89
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