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Hola! xD


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Hehe. I'm Quirky, as you can tell.

I suck at doing intros, just bare with me?

But yeah, I'm not new to forums, I admin one and I am a commited member of another community.

I'm a total sucker for good grammar, but if you type like you've got both your hands and fingers tied together, then don't expect me to be the nicest person to you.

I'm British, 'cause y'know, tea is the best. ;D

But yeah, before this actually turns into a life story, hello, I hope to have a great time here and to make friends too.

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Welcome to the forum... Quirky :D.

I am a brit, also... but tea sucks. I am, however, all for crumpets ;D. As you admin elsewhere I'm sure you're no stranger to how the forums work and all that, but just in case there are any difference make sure to have a read of the rules here.

I hope you enjoy your stay... and maybe pop over to the Project Pokémon Shoddy Server... I'm getting lonely.

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