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I had the dreaded blue "screen of death" on starting up my Heartgold AR Test (etc! save). I had come out fully from Wifi and switched off the DSi last time I used it. I have not erased the file yet though. Is there any hope of retireving the data some way?

If not I will be using some codes to very rapidly level up some Pokemon and rush through the game to a suitable point where I have access to enough to be able to use the save as I had done previously.


I can rush through to a suitable point by using the team from my normal game (modded with the Trainer ID and Secret ID from my restarted game so that I can use them regardless of level - Dragonite Lv 89 and Typhlosion, Feralligatr, Skarmory, Meganium and Mew Lv 70+). Should get through without too much problem with them. Only aggravation is all the decent Pokemon I had been traded for "services rendered" are lost.

That is about my only option unless I get an NDS Adaptor Plus.


Have you got the .sav on your computer?

This has never happened to me playing the cart, but when playing on an emulator (It's froze and when I try to play it tells me my last save was corrupt blah blah), I simply loaded the file into pokesav, clicked save and loaded it back up and it was all pretty fine. I don't know if it's the same or similar situation, but if you have the .sav backed up on the computer try it out.


It is just the retail cartridge. If I knew someone in the UK with an NDS Adaptor Plus I would try to get them to take the cartridge and try a save to PC and reload to see if the problem could be resolved. If all else fails I may have to try to get myself one to see if I can fix the problem. Looks like I'll only be able to do edits (woudn't use my normal save for AR codes) for the moment.


Well, out of desperation I have ordered an NDS Adaptor Plus. Had to shop around a bit as the cheapest place had some very bad press as far as customer service was concerned. Ebay was unfortunately out of the question. The same seller was listing the same item on Amazon UK (unfortunately with postage added) so I ordered it there, which gives a good degree of protection I think. Unfortunately I will probably not get it until the middle of next week.

Looks like I will be doing everything with Pokesav and Platinum for the duration! I'll still use Pokegen to do any creating though, before loading the Pokemon into Pokesav.


Don't think the PS3 Buffer would have stood up to adding this to my last post.

Despatch date for the NDS Adaptor Plus was 19th or 20th July. It arrived a few minutes ago!! Impressive service to say the least.

Downloaded the save to the PC without a problem. Fired up Pokesav HG/SS and loaded the .sav to it. Looked OK. Did a Save (new file name - as usual!). Put the game in my DSi and it loaded fine. Panic over and my AR Test Save is now back in the land of the living and I can now back up my save to my PC for future peace of mind.


Yes, it was something of a relief to say the least.

Needless to say I will now use the device to do backups of all my current Pokemon saves...





Heartgold - "Proper" save

Heartgold - AR Test save

Yes, I actually bought another Heartgold because I had done so much playing around with the Action Replay on it! I decided I would at least like to try to complete the game normally, though I did use the AR to add Yellow Forest to my Pokewalker Routes as I got the game after that had finished.

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