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I need some help with checking and then fixing some pokemon please!

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Hello, I'm new here and need some help obviously.

I've been hacking off and on on pokesav over the past year and everything's gone great. I use my pokemon on PBR frequently and they all worked after trial and error and getting all the details right, even with pal parked pokemon, ordinary and legendary.

However recently I had to change computers, so I restarted hacking on this computer. I did everything (or so I think) the same as on the other computer, but now none of the pokemon I hack work on PBR.

I decided to follow the legality guide here and yet the ambipom I created still didn't work, and I tried using legality checker. However, when I open it, it just tells me to exit (figured I need MS framework or something, so I downloaded but when trying to install it gives me "setup error")

I basically just need some legality checks and then instructions on how to fix them.

I take pokemon that I hack, then use one on pbr to see if it's legal, and then use that over and over again, modifying it to fit the next pokemon I want legally, so I don't have to enter basic stupid info like the SID and ID and OT name and other stoof like that. Therefore, if I can figure out what one problem is, I'll most likely be able to fix it all.

One last thing, if PID's are messed up, it's because I thought that was the problem on my hatched pokemon, and tried to fix them, and it obviously still didn't work.

Here's the ambipom I made following the legality guide (except for the PID is suppose), a dugtrio made on my own using my old methods, and a roaming latias from Sapphire.




thanks in advance!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm, well the problem shared across all three is that they don't have a valid country of origin, i'm not sure how that arises but i've seen it a few times before. Just open up the pokemon in pokesav and that is INCREDIBLY easy to fix (I've done that for you). That was the only problem with ambipom, everything else was fine (including PID matching the IVs/nature).

The latias had an invalid country of origin, invalid trash bytes and its PID/IV combination didn't match. The first two are very easy to fix (use the trash byte normalizer as well as changing the country of origin). To make the PID match, you could either generate IVs and a nature corresponding to the PID you already have (with SCVs PID/IV generator) or what I'd recommend is to choose the minumum IVs you want and the nature you want and find a PID that matches and just put that in. (Plus the moves and PP of the latias were just silly). Same exactly applies to the dugtrio, but without you needing to normalize the trash bytes. Possibly I'm just missing something on the PIDs, cos they pass the legality checker at least as long as you make the country of origin valid and normalise the trash bytes. :)

Ambipom Fixed.pkm

Ambipom Fixed.pkm

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