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Is it even possible to make a legal SEP from scratch with PokeSav ATM, if not would someone extract their SEP into a pkm file. Thanks


at the moment you cannot make a spiky-eared pichu as pokesav will not support it, so if you get the spiky-eared pichu, load your sav file onto pokesav with the spiky-eared pichu on it, save on pokesav, then reload the sav file onto your game your spiky eared pichu will turn into a normal pichu and until they upgrade pokesav you will never be able to get spiky-eared pichu back unless u redo the event (which is only possible with AR or something else)

  Patchworks said:
Or, you could see all methods are equal and that making a custom spiky ear'd pichu is completely possible

What exactly is "all methods" referring to? If you're referring to Pokesav and alternatives, saying they're equal is very obviously wrong. It was stated that Pokesav doesn't support alternate Pichu forms (which is, internally, how the spiky-eared one is created), and as far as I can tell, that's correct, it doesn't. My program does.


All methods meaning any way to edit the .pkm can create the same outcome. no program is superior over the other. And yes, I have looked at your program, and while I do like some aspects of it, there are easier ways for some to create said pokemon. I'm sure you figured out where the game looks for the spiky ear'd variable just like I did. I'm just commenting that both programs are good for different things.

You're not the only coder on here <3

  Patchworks said:
All methods meaning any way to edit the .pkm can create the same outcome. no program is superior over the other.

If they're writing that data wrong or making it more difficult to select the appropriate information, then yes, they can be inferior. I don't know how you can disagree with that.

And yes, I have looked at your program, and while I do like some aspects of it, there are easier ways for some to create said pokemon.

Please give an example. Even in this situation of needing to change a single byte in the PKM file, I think the majority of people that post on here looking for help (and even the more experienced) would agree that it's more convenient to use a program designed specifically for modifying PKM files over a hex editor.

You're not the only coder on here <3

I can't see a purpose to this comment other than antagonism, which isn't justified or appreciated.

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