Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 (edited) I've been playing pokemon ever since Y/R/B/G came out, but the one thing that always cross mind is What is your best pokemon team? As everyone knows creating a Well-Balance Team takes a lot of thinking such as Which pokemon types are stronger and weaker against? As for myself I've thought of many possibilities and I decided to go with this pokemon team. Swampert @ Leftovers Torrent - Surf - Ice Beam - Earthquake - Protect Torterra @ Leftovers Overgrow - Leaf Storm - Sunny Day - SolarBeam - Earthquake Rhyperior @ Life Orb Lightningrod - Stone Edge - Rock Polish - Rock Wrecker - Earthquake Blaziken @ Life Orb Blaze - Brave Bird - Sky Uppercut - Flamethrower - Bulk Up Togekiss @ Life Orb Serene Grace - Sky Attack - Roost - Aura Sphere - Thunder Wave Lucario @ Life Orb Inner Focus - Aura Sphere - Shadow Ball - Close Combat - Bulk Up This my official pokemon team and I'm starting to love this team more and more each day. My battle style is all about Attack Power and Speed with some decent Deffensive Power. Edited April 19, 2010 by Riolu Aura Sphere Now
wraith89 Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 Best? I don't know what I can claim as my best... since I don't think there is a best team or anything for me. I guess I'll go with my in-game Soul Silver team (second generation bred) to post up... I don't remember how I EVd them. I just rare candy them to 100 to see what their max stat is without saving then checking their IVs so I can EV them accordingly. [hgsssprite]031[/hgsssprite] Regina the Nidoqueen @ Black Sludge Poison Point - Stealth Rock - Toxic Spikes - Earth Power - Ice Beam [hgsssprite]018[/hgsssprite] Pertelote the Pidgeot @ Wide Lens (I need spare Leftovers) Keen Eye - Air Slash - Featherdance - Roost - Heat Wave [hgsssprite]214[/hgsssprite] Atalanta the Heracross @ Choice Scarf Guts - Megahorn - Stone Edge - Earthquake - Close Combat [hgsssprite]154[/hgsssprite] Gaia the Meganium @ Leftovers - Aromatherapy - Synthesis - Leech Seed - Energy Ball [hgsssprite]038[/hgsssprite] Vixie the Ninetales @ Charcoal (I need more Leftovers) - Flamethrower - Nasty Plot - Energy Ball - Hypnosis [hgsssprite]131[/hgsssprite] Nessie the Lapras @ Leftovers - Surf - Ice Beam - Ice Shard (will replace with Thunderbolt if I feel like it) - Perish Song Currently training: [sprite]134[/sprite] Undine the Vaporeon level 43 - Aurora Beam - Shadow Ball - Surf - Wish [hgsssprite]149[/hgsssprite] Hero the Dragonite level 63 - Dragon Dance - Dragon Claw - Earthquake - Roost [sprite]212[/sprite] Crimson the Scizor level 60 Technician - Swords Dance - Bullet Punch - Bug Bite - Wing Attack [hgsssprite]429[/hgsssprite] Missy the Mismagius level 68 - Calm Mind - Substitute - Thunderbolt - Shadow Ball [hgsssprite]053[/hgsssprite] Camille the Persian level 59 Technician - Nasty Plot - Fake Out - Water Pulse - Swift [hgsssprite]130[/hgsssprite] Leviathan the Gyarados level 70 - Dragon Dance - Taunt - Waterfall - Ice Fang (will get Stone Edge later) [hgsssprite]025[/hgsssprite] Volty the Pikachu (yes, Lt. Surge's) level 26 - Thunderbolt - Double Team - Quick Attack - Thunder Wave
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 7, 2010 Author Posted April 7, 2010 Yes that is a great set of pokemon for your team. I wonder why you didn't use rare candies on the rest of your pokemon. Your Gaia @ Meganium and your Vixie @ Ninetales are my favorite pokemon you have on your team, but even though I like Volty the Pikachu, he isn't strong enough to use in a pokemon battle because he'll just end up being defeated on your first turn. Anyways congrats on creating a great team. Almost forgot, do you have a hacked team you use in battles? Well I have one, but I only use it in the Battle Frontier because it takes a long time defeating the leader and collecting their symbols and plus I really don't have the time to wait. Also, their is always at least one pokemon trainer that ends up defeating you and that is a total let down. Check out my hacked team. My hacked team is on the first post. If you have any suggestions for my pokemon team or hacked team, please feel free to let me know. I am open to any suggestions as of now.
wraith89 Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 (edited) What? No I don't have a hacked team. And yes Pikachu is weak, but it's a kryptonite like Deoxys if used right. And you should know Volty is a she... BTW Hacking ruins the integrity of the game. And I don't use rare candies until I EV them properly... Plus, unlike most other people, I do NOT have access to infinite rare candies. Edited April 7, 2010 by wraith89
Neo Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Heres the best team ever.... Reveal hidden contents Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb All with wonder guard.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 7, 2010 Author Posted April 7, 2010 Sorry didn't mean to offend you in any way lol. No I don't have infinite supply of rare candies and its useless. A lot of people uses them, but they don't know that using rare candies makes your pokemon weaker than it should be. Yes you have a point and your Pikachu and Deoxys combo is increadible. @Neo- Um great team, but its a complete hack isn't it lol. I like using at least some legit moves on my hacked team. Anyways great teams you all have.
LanceQ Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Neo said: Heres the best team ever.... Reveal hidden contents Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb Spiritomb All with wonder guard. I Like. \m/
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 8, 2010 Author Posted April 8, 2010 Yes that is a pretty good hacked team. I now don't have a hacked team since I have no purpose using it. I still have hacked pokemon, but not on my team only in my pc. I now need suggestions on my team. Read my first post because I've updated it.
LanceQ Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 I like my current game, I changed my name to Ritchie with Trainer No. 00666 Pokemons: Sparky the Pikachu Eevee (he really has an eevee check other sites ) Happy the Butterfree Rose the Swellow (evolved it instead of having the original taillow of ritchie) Cruise the Tyranitar (instead of pupitar) Zippo the Charizard (instead of Charmeleon) enjoying it kinda
wraith89 Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Sorry didn't mean to offend you in any way lol. No I don't have infinite supply of rare candies and its useless. A lot of people uses them, but they don't know that using rare candies makes your pokemon weaker than it should be. Yes you have a point and your Pikachu and Deoxys combo is increadible.@Neo- Um great team, but its a complete hack isn't it lol. I like using at least some legit moves on my hacked team. Anyways great teams you all have. Actually, you're free to use as many Rare Candies as you want if you have fully EV trained your Pokemon. And I never said Pikachu was used with Deoxys (Pikachu is useless in the Clash of the Titans (aka Uber battling)). Pikachu is like Deoxys in the lower tiers is what I am saying. A Kryptonite with massive power and speed but can get KOd from... Slaking's SCRATCH.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 9, 2010 Author Posted April 9, 2010 Sorry about that lol. Um should I teach any of my pokemon new moves. I've just changed my Blaziken's Overheat with Flamethrow. I need some help because I want my team to be a Well-Ballanced team for the Battle Frontier? Which pokemon in my team should I use for the Battle Frontier?
FreeSpirit Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Let's see now. I use an all Eeveelution team because I just absolutely love the Eeveelutions. And I occasionally name them after food lol. Umbreon - Cocoa Moves: Curse, Sucker Punch, Payback/Toxic/Confuse Ray, Moonlight Item: Leftovers/Blackglasses Espeon - Peaches Moves: Phychic, Signal Beam, Hidden Power (Fire), Morning Sun/Reflect/Fake Tears Item: Expert Belt/Life Orb Glaceon - Snowcone Moves: Hail, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Mirror Coat Item: Quick Claw Leafeon - FruitSalad Moves: Grasswhistle, Synthesis, Leaf Blade, Last Resort Item: Wide Lens Vaporeon - Smoothie Moves: Substitute, Baton Pass, Wish, Muddy Water/Ice Beam/Surf Item: Leftovers Jolteon - Sitrus Moves: Thunderbolt, Hidden Power (Grass), Thunder Wave/Yawn, Magnet Rise/Lightscreen/Fake Tears Item: Life Orb/Choice Specs/(That One Berry that Weakens Ground Type Moves) My Espeon's hidden power is to help Umbreon and others that are weak against Bug types. Also helpful against Steel types since neither Eeveelution (Except Flareon but it's steel types usually have high defense) are that effective against it. Then you have coverage on Grass types which is helpful for Vaporeon. My Jolteon's hidden power is to help against the obvious ground/rock types that know earthquake. Then you have an advantage over water types too. Jolteon would know Light Screen if my Espeon knows Reflect. I just love using my Umbreon a lot. It saved me a couple of battles even against when I was against a fighting type. If I can get my Umbreon to set up with curse then I'm all set. Then if a Pokemon like Lucario uses Close Combat on my Umbreon and brings it to low health but it has low health from my attack, I can use Sucker Punch to attack it before it gets me (Unless it uses Extremespeed or something).
DragonTamer Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Hm... my favorite team is usually a combination of below: Scizor/Metagross Hippowdon/Tyranitar Skarmory/Forretress Blissey/Dusknoir Salamence/Dragonite Smeargle ^^Well, it does learn every move... :wink: My movesets vary, but... I could always use my team from the sig.
bobbobo Posted November 6, 2011 Posted November 6, 2011 The team I use for OU- it is beyond awesome- (disclaimer; I don't take credit for making it) Tyranitar@Chesto Berry 252HP/40Atk/216SpD Careful (+SpD -SpA) Payback Earthquake Taunt Stealth Rock A brilliant anti-lead. OHKOs Azelfs and cripples set-ups with taunt. Chesto berry screws up baton pass leads like Smeargle. Main problem is Machamp lead's DynamicPunch, but they are rarely, if ever, seen. Skarmory@Leftovers 252HP/220Def/36SpD Impish (+Def -SpA) Spikes Whirlwind Roost Brave Bird Walls like crazy. Stops opponents from setting up with whirlwind, and in most games gets off spikes quite easily. And just heals off the damage with roost. Easily takes out the Machamp lead that Ttar has trouble with. Doesn't get trapped by Magnezone because of whirlwind and usually comes in right after Ttar to set up for the rest of the gang. And does it with aplomb. Rotom C@Choice Specs 252SpA/252Spe/4SpD Timid (+Spe -Atk) Thunderbolt Leaf Storm Trick Shadow Ball Great power and great coverage. There isn't much that isn't OHKO'd or 2HKO'd by Shadow Ball from this thing. Can also come in and use trick on stall team threats (Blissey, Stallrein etc) rendering them useless for the whole match. Counters Swampert, and I can always switch in Skarmory to take a ghost-type attack from the enemy if it comes down to it, the damage is laughable. Magnezone@Choice Scarf 252SpA/252Spe/4SpD Magnet Pull Naive (+SpA -SpD) Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Hidden Power (Ground) Explosion The steel-type killer. Traps them with Magnet Pull, then outspeeds them with the Scarf to pretty much always OHKO. Kills Skarmory with a single Thunderbolt. Always has the option of exploding on opponent too, if things get really bad. Starmie@Life Orb 252SpA/252Spe/4SpD Natural Cure Timid (+Spe -Atk) Hydro Pump Thunderbolt Ice Beam Recover Really reliable, about the only resistance to fire types aside from Ttar. Not much can take it's STAB life orbed Hydro Pump. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam give heaps good coverage whilst recover is really necessary, because of the Life Orb coupled with Sandstorm. Nearly always manages a KO. Lucario@Salac Berry 252Atk/252Spe/4HP Steadfast Adamant (+Atk -SpA) Endure Reversal Swords Dance Ice Punch AMAZING!!!! Can literally take out whole teams if they don't have any priority users left. I normally leave it as my last switch in for a reason. It has saved me soooo many times. Just endure the first hit, get your speed boosted 50% by the salac berry, and then spam a 200 Power Reversal. Or Ice Punch for those bloody ghosts. But I seriously recommend his addition to almost any team!
cyberius Posted August 6, 2012 Posted August 6, 2012 depends on the game. Firered: Charizard Snorlax Articuno (no im usually not an uber user, but Articuno is my fav, and it's a minor legendary) Lapras Nidoking Raichu (i didnt start naming my pokemon until platinum, so) Soulsilver: Scyther (dumped my croconaw for one, but forgot to evolve it. It was so boss, I beat the whole elite four with only it. Either that, or I just forgot the other pokemon) Emerald: Blaziken Crawdaunt Flygon Mightyena Manectric Crobat Diamond: Torterra Gabite (didn't get to finish game, but it was beast) Staraptor Pearl: Infernape Staraptor Floatzel Roserade (rest i forgot) Platinum: Terrace the Torterra Sora the Milotic Jack(al) the Lucario Howler the Houndoom Raptor the Salamence Garuda the Blaziken White: Samurott Sigilyph Musharna Cofagrigus Scrafty Excadrill Im thinking of importing six of my best pokemon to my white. Which would be: Charizard (favorite pokemon) Jack Sora Garuda Articuno
BurningFinger Posted December 4, 2012 Posted December 4, 2012 I know this post is fairly old, but I happened upon it and thought i'd share my team. Took a whole lot of time to do this team legit, trying to get the right natures and the like. But here they are. And a quick explanation on how to use it right. Lead by laying down a couple layers of stealth rock. After that you bring out Tyranitar and whip up the sand. Do a little damage, and when you're ready to clean up, you send out Heracross. Flame Orb burns him, increasing the power of facade and when guts kicks in, it's all over.(Provided you can keep from taking huge damage. Heracross(Guts) - Jolly w/ Flame Orb 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Swords Dance Close Combat Megahorn Facade Metagross(Clear Body) - Adamant w/Lum/Occa Berry 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe Stealth Rock Earthquake Bullet Punch Meteor Mash Swampert(Torrent) - Relaxed w/ Leftovers 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 SpD Stealth Rock Earthquake Ice Beam Surf Tyranitar(Sand Stream) - Jolly w/ Babiri/Lum Berry/Life Orb 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Dragon Dance Stone Edge Crunch Fire Punch Starmie(Natural Cure) - Timid w/ Life Orb Surf Thunderbolt Ice Beam Recover Rotom-A(Levitate) - Timid w/ Life Orb 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Substitute Pain Split Thunderbolt Shadow Ball
PKMNTrainerNick144 Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 Well, this is my main game team, I usually use others in the PWT and Battle Subway but outside, these 6 I always have. I'm not a competitive battler so... these are the ones I use mostly Feraligatr(Torrent) - Adamant w/Muscle Band 252 Atk/ 252 Spd / 6 SpD Waterfall Ice Punch Crunch Brick Break Archeops(Defeatist)- Jolly w/ Flying Gem 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP Rock Slide Acrobatics Earthquake Dragon Claw Krookodile(Moxie) - Jolly w/Expert Belt 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP Earthquake Crunch Low Sweep Rock Slide **Haxorus(Mold Breaker) - Jolly w/ Expert Belt 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 SpD Dual Chop Low Kick X-Scissor Shadow Claw Lucario(Inner Focus) - Modest w/ Wise Glasses 252 SpA / 252 Spd / 6 HP Aura Sphere Flash Cannon Dragon Pulse Dark Pulse Umbreon(Inner Focus) - Careful w/ Chesto Berry 252 SpD / 129 Atk / 129 Spd Payback Iron Tail Rest Curse **My Haxorus is shiny
17davidrub Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 absol ability: super luck moves: slash, night slash, psycho cut, double team machamp ability: no gaurd moves sheer cold, fissure, gilotine, horn drill sableye ability: wonder gaurd
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