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Red Text?


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Hey guys I have a question regarding legality and pokesav. I am not too sure if this is the topic to post it in, but considering I am asking how to create a legal pokemon with pokesav I think I am in the right place, if I am not, I apologize and would like to ask to be steered in the right direction.

Basically, I've noticed that the OT in certain event pokemon are highlighted red instead of blue, my question is how do I make the OT red because that's a huge legality give away. I've only been able to get the OT of event pokemon to be blue, but I am wondering how I essentially turn the text to red in pokesav. Any guidance is welcome, thanks.

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Doesn't the colour of the text simply denote the original trainer's gender?

I'm not sure about NDS events, but I do know that some GBA events could be either. I have two different MYSTRY Mews, for example; and for one the OT is red, and the other blue. Same story for the 10ANIV Celebis... I've got 1 blue, and 3 red. WISHMKR Jirachi seems to always have a male OT, though. I've got 25 different specimens of that, and all blue.

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