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hey all

need some help as i'm quite puzzled.

I transferred a couple of shinies from PoGo to my Home account, and then into SS and SV.

i used pkHex to edit the mons that could go into Shield to change their poke balls, and when i check them in Pokemon Home the changes are reflected correctly. the changes made were mere pokeball --> ultra ball type changes. nothing fancy.

however for the mons that can only transfer to SV, when i change the pokeballs in Violet, the changed balls are not reflected in Pokemon Home
instead the old ball is reflected. the changed ball is only visible in the Violet game itself.

anyone can help explain this and how to get around it?



You cannot legally change balls after HOME has seen the data. There will always be a mismatch with the data stored in HOME.

How to get around it? You don't. You start with an untransferred Pokémon with the correct ball, and be satisfied with that.


Thanks for replying.

there doesn’t seem to be any mismatch for my PoGo mons that are brought into Shield and changed ball though. It’s all reflected correctly in Home.

the mismatch only occurs for my Pogo Mons that transferred into Violet and changed ball. Those changes aren’t reflected in Home


SW/SH might have special "permissions" for uploads not matching the original data not being rejected outright, but you'll still get mismatches on HOME's server data. There is no game mechanic to change balls, so once HOME has seen it once, you should NOT be changing any immutable values as it can be detected as someone using cheats.



Thanks for the info.

I think I understand better now.

Will changing the balls result in me getting a Pokémon Home ban?

all the Pokémon were legitimately caught and the only immutable that was changed was the ball.

I don’t play competitively online and I don’t go for any comps. I’m solely seek to grow my own living dex.

Should I worry about a ban?

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