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Whenever I make a PK9 file and set friendship to max, whenever I get it in game the friendship is always zero. I set friendship to max, and when the sysbot gives me the file back from what I traded (I traded the same pokemon) it says the friendship stat is zero, even though I set it as max. Anyone know why this is happening?


Starting in generation 6, Pokemon store a friendship value for the original trainer, and a separate friendship value for the trainer that last had possession of it. When you trade it to a new trainer, that new trainer has not built up any friendship, so it will be at whatever the minimum is (usually 70 for trades).

Since you've not provided any specifics, I can only assume that you're looking at the current handler friendship value, after it was traded.


If it reached you via bot trade, then it should be obvious why it reset friendship when reaching you. The middleman (bot) has to have a friendship value. When it trades to you, you become the newest handler, and the previous handler's friendship is overwritten with the new friendship value for you, which is the default friendship minimum on trade.

How to fix it? Either be the OT of the Pokemon, or inject it directly to your save file without a bot. Or raise the friendship after receiving it, like everyone else who isn't cheating.

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