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I'm extremely new to this whole computer stuff things so I apologize if this is hard to understand. I got an ABERNIC handheld device and was playing leaf green until I got to the S.S. Anne part I'm sure you all know what happens next. User peteywhit posted about this and Ive tried everything in the thread but it doesnt seem to be working for me, I know im probably messing up some part of the way but here is my file, it wont load into PKhEX it gives me an error message. I then converted that .sav into .srm as suggested but that still didnt work. I just want to be able to gify myself cut, mark the rival battle as done, level up my pokemon two or three levels and then move on from this silly SS Anne stuff and play pokemon. I really hope i dont have to start all over I loaded a new ROM on my handheld just in case I do but yeesh, can anyone help I just wanna play.

005 Pokemon Leaf Green.sav 005 Pokemon Leaf Green.srm

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