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Gen 3 -> Gen 4 Transfer Causes "Analysis Not Available" Error

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Reposted this here because I'm pretty sure I had it in the wrong spot, very sorry for that!

Apologies if I'm missing something obvious, I've only recently started using this tool as I play through some of the older games.

I'm trying to transfer Pokemon from Emerald to HeartGold, and most of them work fine, but some of them (Tailow, Swellow, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Skitty, Plusle, Minun, Spoink, Grumpig, Spinda, Cancea, Corphish) have the little Illegal indicator, but clicking on it just says "Analysis not available for this Pokemon".

When I highlight any of those marked as illegal, it for some reason says "Encounter Type: Event Gift", which is not correct (the ones that work right all have the correct encounter type, i.e. wild encounter, egg, etc). I can give more info if needed. I attached the files of the Pokemon if those can help at all (as well as a screenshot showing what I mentioned).

Again, apologies if I'm making a silly mistake or doing something wrong, and thanks for any help anyone can provide.



Illegal Pokemon.zip

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