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Last week when I was messing with my shield save file I got a prompt to update Pkhex (haven't used it in a while). Downloeaded the latest version of pkhex and everything worked like a charm for shield. 

However now I can't for the life of my get Pkhex to work with pokemon platinum. I am using a physical cart, a hacked 3ds and Checkpoint to extract the save file. I can also restore the original save file no problem, so I know checkpoint is working. The extracted save file opens just fine in Pkhex.

When I try to restore the save file back onto the cart I get an error (0xc8804478) "Failed to read the save file backup". Tried saving in both .file and .sav4pt. Nothing works. To test if I corrupted the save file when editing, I tried moving a pokemon one spot in the boxes and the error still occours. Anyone got any suggestions?

Added information: I used a previos version to add some pokemon without any issues. To me is seems the current version of Pkhex is the problem, since it worked no problem before??

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Just figured it out, and yes I am the potato in this situation. A nights sleep and a few hours doing other things made me come up with a solution. 

I was using the "export sav" to create a new file. My 3ds would not accept those files.

As long as I make a copy of the original, and overwrite the copy file when I save after modifying everything works :D 

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