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HELP: How to decrypt Pokemon Battle Revolution file FOR DUMMIES??

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Hey! I wanted to DM some people about this but the site does not let me DM, so I instead have to hope some help can come to me.

I need to Decrypt my PBR save file so I can literally flip one hex value, to change the game version from Pearl to Diamond. But I just cannot get the code posted below, to work at all! I know nothing about coding and don't know how to execute it, I've been trying for literal hours downloading various software. I think I need to "compile" this code to run it, or something? But I am so clueless. Because I did that in Visual Studio and it still doesn't work.

So could someone explain how to do this, so that every other person out there who needs to do this in the future, knows what program they need to use, and how to do it? Thank you!


Alternatively, if someone would just be willing to decrypt my file, flip the gamemode from Pearl to Diamond (I can show you which Hex value needs to be changed) and then encrypt it and send it back to me, I would be so grateful! Thousands of people have been using my Savefile lately and so I am trying to make this change at their request.


On 9/8/2017 at 12:04 AM, BlackShark said:

You have to use the encryptSaveSlotAndUpdateChecksums function.
I made a quick modification of the tool, the functionality is still similar but now it aks the user if he wants to decrypt or encrypt.

When decrypting it reads PbrSaveData and decrypts it to PbrSaveData_decrypted_current and PbrSaveData_decrypted_backup.
When encrypting it reads PbrSaveData_decrypted_current and PbrSaveData_decrypted_backup and encrypts it to PbrSaveData.
Be sure those files are always present in the tools directory and also keep backups just in case!





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Follow these steps:

  1. Download pbrsavetool.zip
  2. Un-zip the file into a folder
  3. Place your PbrSaveData (named exactly like that) file into the same folder
  4. Double click on pbrsavetool.exe
  5. You will be asked if you want to decrypt or encrypt your file
  6. Enter d to decrypt your file
    • this creates two files PbrSaveData_decrypted_current and PbrSaveData_decrypted_backup (it overwrites them if they already exist)
    • keep both files in that folder!
  7. Do your modifications in PbrSaveData_decrypted_current
  8. Double click on pbrsavetool.exe again
  9. You will again be asked if you want to decrypt or encrypt your file
  10. Enter e to encrypt your file
    • this creates the file PbrSaveData (it overwrites if it already exists)
  11. You are done!
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