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PKHEX, ALM/Batch editor help

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I am trying to make my pokemon shiny and keep the same TID/SID But each time I enter anything into batch editor it makes it illegal. and when I use legalize active pokemon it changes the SID. Is there any way I can make it lock the TID/SID? Going into the plugin options and setting  "AllowTrainerOverride" seems to do nothing even after resetting pkhex I do have my OT/TID/SID set in plugin options. Also I want them to not be all eggs.


Edit: meant to write SID not PID

Edited by monsterg
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ALM's intent is to create battle-ready things, and to not necessarily retain input values.

You're likely trying to generate something with a PIDIV-correlation, which means that changing it to be shiny after the fact is modifying the PID, and thus breaking the required correlation of values, making it not legal. If you've set up the trainers folder, ALM will regenerate with encounters according to the order of encounter type specified in its settings. Often times you'll need to use an external app to search for a PID combination that satiates your need for predefined trainer data & stats.

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I do have my trainers in a folder. 1 from emerald, 1 from ruby, 1 from sapphire. and yet it will constantly choose to change the SID instead of changing any of the iv's, nature, or ability

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