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Pokemon XD to gen 3 or 7


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I still have uncaught Shadow Pokemon from Colosseum and XD. I want to capture and transfer them to Home. However, it would be over a hundred Pokemon and over a hundred trades from Gamecube to gba (not counting all the other steps).

I was thinking of using PKheX to inject them into a save, either gen 3 or gen 7, but I am still new to the program. 
If I understand PKheX properly, I will have to dump all these Pokemon from their boxes into the PKheX database and then load them into the boxes of the new save file (gen 3 or 7). 

My questions are:
•    Would this method retain all Pokemon’s  OT, stats, natures, ribbons, etc? Or would some data be different than Pokemon transferred up normally? 
•    What generation, gen 3 or gen 7, would be recommended for the smoothest data transfer? 
•    Should I select yes or no when the PKM loading override prompt appears?  


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1. Why would PKHeX want to be any different than how the games work? You can always try it and see -- you'll see that PKHeX retains everything the same way the game would.

2. You don't need to do each step one at a time. PKHeX chains all the conversions together for you.

3. You shouldn't need to override it from the default, so Yes/Cancel is the correct option for you. It's only useful for advanced users just wanting to inspect data unmodified. Trades update things and ensure it ends up in a legal state (like traded eggs or memories).

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14 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

1. Why would PKHeX want to be any different than how the games work? You can always try it and see -- you'll see that PKHeX retains everything the same way the game would.

2. You don't need to do each step one at a time. PKHeX chains all the conversions together for you.

3. You shouldn't need to override it from the default, so Yes/Cancel is the correct option for you. It's only useful for advanced users just wanting to inspect data unmodified. Trades update things and ensure it ends up in a legal state (like traded eggs or memories).


Thank you. I wasn’t sure how closely PKHeX replicates in-game transfers and whether it would need to modify some data.  

It sounds like it won’t make a difference when choosing either gen 3 or 7 as PKHeX will make sure each generation recognizes the Pokemon as originating in XD.

Out of curiosity, what data does override modify? Is it like deleting moves that don’t appear in that generation and changing the met location description to reflect coming from a previous region?

Would this also mean the Pokemon would be understood as originating from a trade and not input by Pokemon Bank?

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PKHeX is open source, you can see its conversion routines.

Overriding your settings to No will skip updating things to match the save file. Eggs from other trainers must be traded, so they must be updated to be met as a link trade egg instead of from daycare. Handler states and memories must be adjusted as if a new (or previous) trainer is handling it. When no, it skips doing all that, which lets you inspect the original values. Again, you shouldn't need to override it.

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I see. I think I get it now. Thank you for clarifying. Matching saving files just means it will note that the data comes from elsewhere and not locally. And you are not able to see things like OT memories because you are not the OT.

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