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Question regarding Crystal ROM -> Gen VII/Bank

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I've been searching around and I can't seem to find a concrete answer to this given how specific it is. If I have a Crystal ROM (GBC) save file and I use PkHeX to drag Pokémon from it into a Ultra Sun save file from a legit cart extracted using Checkpoint, will PkHeX mimic the official transfer method (which is to say will the game treat it as if I used a Virtual Console Crystal to transfer it into Bank through Transporter and then moved it from Bank into Ultra Sun)?

Put another way, is there any difference between

  1. Pokémon from Crystal ROM -> PkHeX -> Ultra Sun save file from Checkpoint -> inject into Ultra Sun cartridge
  2. Pokémon from Crystal VC -> Poké Transporter -> Pokémon Bank -> Ultra Sun

This includes any data conversion (for example, assigning gender using the Attack IV, setting three IVs to max, assigning the Hidden Ability, etc.) and the origin mark.

Thanks in advance.

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