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Shiny Manaphy Hunting (The Abundance Method) HeartGold/SoulSilver/Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

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Posted (edited)

A NEW WAY TO FOR SHINY MANAPHY490.png     NEW SHINY MANAPHY HUNTING METHOD                                                                                                                       THE ABUNDANCE METHOD 

The Files here are  Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum and SoulSilver with each containing 545 Legal Legitament Manaphy eggs with PID's (Player Identification) and Natures. All Manaphy eggs have been brought down to sounds like its about to hatch. This is a new style way to hunt for a shiny Manaphy. The Current Method for Shiny hunting Manaphy is trading four eggs to a new save after up to every four Manaphy egg hatches. This method gives you the chance to hatch 545 Manaphy eggs with changing the TID/SID after every 545 eggs or trading eggs with a amount of 544 eggs being able to be used per save file. This new method brings Manaphy closer to a regular 1 in 8192 egg hunt without the use of Masuda Method in Gen 4. Goodluck to everyone who attempts this hunt. (Please Note the Manaphy eggs in all five games are identical 545 eggs so if you use the Same TID/SID on Multi system hunting and saves you will only be getting one chance of being shiny and if you do find a shiny they would be shiny on both games so make sure to always have different TID/SID on the saves if you are using PKHEX to change the ID's. Also all saves currently different Trainer ID's and Secret ID's and I haven't hunted on these saves so I don't know if any would be shiny if hatched on the save files in there respective games.

For Anyone Wondering If This Method Works On 1st Of January 2025 I Was Able To Finally Find My Abundance Method Shiny Manaphy. The Pictures Are Below.

Pokemon Diamond.savFetching info... Pokemon Pearl.savFetching info... Pokemon Platinum.savFetching info... Pokemon HeartGold.savFetching info... Pokemon SoulSilver.savFetching info... Shiny Manaphy Hunting Info.rtfFetching info...

Shiny Manaphy 2.jpg

Shiny Manaphy 1.jpg

Shiny Manaphy Picture 3.jpg

Shiny Manaphy 4.jpg

Edited by DamoXD001
general changes
  On 12/31/2023 at 10:03 AM, DamoXD001 said:

The Files here are  Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum and SoulSilver with each containing 545 Legal Legitament Manaphy eggs with PID's (Player Identification) and Natures. All Manaphy eggs have been brought down to sounds like its about to hatch. This is a new style way to hunt for a shiny Manaphy. The Current Method for Shiny hunting Manaphy is trading four eggs to a new save after up to every four Manaphy egg hatches. This method gives you the chance to hatch 545 Manaphy eggs with changing the TID/SID after every 545 eggs or trading eggs with a amount of 544 eggs being able to be used per save file. This new method brings Manaphy closer to a regular 1 in 8192 egg hunt without the use of Masuda Method in Gen 4. Goodluck to everyone who attempts this hunt. (Please Note the Manaphy eggs in all five games are identical 545 eggs so if you use the Same TID/SID on Multi system hunting and saves you will only be getting one chance of being shiny and if you do find a shiny they would be shiny on both games so make sure to always have different TID/SID on the saves if you are using PKHEX to change the ID's. Also all saves currently different Trainer ID's and Secret ID's and I haven't hunted on these saves so I don't know if any would be shiny if hatched on the save files in there respective games.

Pokemon Diamond.sav 512 kB · 2 downloads Pokemon Pearl.sav 512 kB · 2 downloads Pokemon Platinum.sav 512 kB · 2 downloads Pokemon HeartGold.sav 512 kB · 2 downloads Pokemon SoulSilver.sav 512 kB · 2 downloads Shiny Manaphy Hunting Info.rtf 1.58 kB · 2 downloads


thanks for the effort but there is already a sav here

information here


  • DamoXD001 changed the title to Shiny Manaphy Hunting (The Abundance Method) HeartGold/SoulSilver/Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
  • 2 months later...

Hi! First off this is awesome that you set this up!! I am currently trying to find ways to hunt Manaphy in an easier manner and this helps a bunch!!


I do apologize though as I'm still very new to the specifics of hunting Manaphy and the issues with it's TID and shiny values. I know generally you do have to trade it to a new game to break the shiny lock,and I am a little confused on the explanation for how to hunt these Manaphy eggs in the save you supplied. Do I need to trade these ones over to a new game to hatch them,or is it just making a new TID on the saves themselves, hatching the Manaphy eggs and if none are shiny redo the process?

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply. With this you can trade them. But you can also use Pkhex to just change the Trainer ID and Secret ID in the section sav on pkhex then the Trainer info. What I usually do is start a new save then get a copy of the file then copy the TID and SID onto the save files with the Manaphy eggs. Again I’m sorry for the very late reply.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/11/2024 at 8:33 AM, DamoXD001 said:

Sorry for the late reply. With this you can trade them. But you can also use Pkhex to just change the Trainer ID and Secret ID in the section sav on pkhex then the Trainer info. What I usually do is start a new save then get a copy of the file then copy the TID and SID onto the save files with the Manaphy eggs. Again I’m sorry for the very late reply.


Have you transferred them up to Home, or are they considered not legal by the system?

  • 5 weeks later...

They are fully legal and have no issue moving to Bank and Pokemon Home. Sorry for the late reply again. I don't check the page on a regular basis but there will be no issue they are all legal Manaphy Ranger eggs.


And basically if you are trying with 500 more eggs and restart the game, can I skip the restarting a new save file and just keep generating new eggs and trade them to my platinium version? At one point one eggs will hatch shiny no? Otherwise what's the point on doing it with 4/6 or more eggs and restart a new save file instead of doing it with just one ?... If the eggs I generate all have a chance to hatch shiny why should I restart my save file? I should just keep generating more eggs from my pokémon ranger shadow on almia games instead? Like with the help of an hacked 3ds you can easily put back on the cartridge the save file with the eggs ready to send on the gen 4 games so what's the point on restarting another save file if you try with 500+ eggs? 

If I try with 500+ eggs like you or if I keep generating a butload of eggs (maybe 1000 or 8000 I don't know) I will have a shiny at one point or another without restating another save file without changing TID or SID or else I don't understand why everyone is doing it with 4/6 eggs or even more like you and reset another game just to get new TIP and SID.... If me with my way of doing it without restarting another save file and just keep generating eggs from pokémon ranger I can't get a shiny manaphy I don't see why in all of your 500+ eggs there will be a shiny one except for the verry first one you've generated.... 


Did you get my point? 



  On 8/28/2024 at 3:22 PM, narutorey1 said:

And basically if you are trying with 500 more eggs and restart the game, can I skip the restarting a new save file and just keep generating new eggs and trade them to my platinium version? At one point one eggs will hatch shiny no? Otherwise what's the point on doing it with 4/6 or more eggs and restart a new save file instead of doing it with just one ?... If the eggs I generate all have a chance to hatch shiny why should I restart my save file? I should just keep generating more eggs from my pokémon ranger shadow on almia games instead? Like with the help of an hacked 3ds you can easily put back on the cartridge the save file with the eggs ready to send on the gen 4 games so what's the point on restarting another save file if you try with 500+ eggs? 

If I try with 500+ eggs like you or if I keep generating a butload of eggs (maybe 1000 or 8000 I don't know) I will have a shiny at one point or another without restating another save file without changing TID or SID or else I don't understand why everyone is doing it with 4/6 eggs or even more like you and reset another game just to get new TIP and SID.... If me with my way of doing it without restarting another save file and just keep generating eggs from pokémon ranger I can't get a shiny manaphy I don't see why in all of your 500+ eggs there will be a shiny one except for the verry first one you've generated.... 


Did you get my point? 




Depends how a given person quantifies legality. By generating endless eggs, you're bypassing the normal restrictions of how many a ranger cartridge can generate, and how many can be received by a mainline game. If you're already cutting corners to fabricate infinite eggs, why not cut all the corners and just RNG or gen it in PKHeX? Everyone has their own idea of what they consider acceptable, so certain approaches you may be okay with may not be okay for others.

  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the late reply I don't go on here too often. So each egg is different and when traded to another game or if you change the Trainer ID and Secret ID on the save they all have a 1 in 8192 chance to be shiny. When game developers tried to shiny lock Manaphy they made an error where it could only be shiny locked on the game that received the egg. I've been actually doing this hunt myself on and off since January this year and I'm about 7.5k egg hatches. The original method for hunting Manaphy is usually four eggs because people buy 4 separate Pokemon Ranger cartridges and only get one egg on each cartridge without backing up the save prior to sending the Manaphy over and doesn't actually help get shiny Manaphy easily. This method makes Manaphy like a normal 8192 egg hunt, it basically removes the time restriction that is placed on making a new save file after every 4 egg hatches. When on a new game save or with the TID/SID changed it basically removes that restriction or the shiny lock per say because Manaphy was never meant to be shiny it was like Jirachi in Generation III with Pokemon Channel and Colosseum Bonus Disk it was a failed shiny lock. I hope this helps. Easiest way of putting it Trainer ID: 61633 Secret ID: 06763 this is the only game save these Manaphy's are shiny locked on. All Manaphy's have their own PID, Natures and everything so all of them can have a chance of being shiny on a new game save, they all have a 1 in 8192 chance. This method basically just removes having to start a new save after every 4 eggs, this method means you only need a new save after every 545 eggs. Hope this helps and good luck to everyone hunting for a shiny Manaphy. Also if people are wondering why there are so many if you only get 1 egg per file, if you use Checkpoint on homebrew 3ds you can backup the Ranger Game Cartridge and Pokemon Cartridge before receiving them then restore the save and keep farming new Manaphy eggs. All eggs are 100% legit and legal through Pokemon Bank and Home.


This method is a grey area in Pokemon as they are 100% legal eggs. It depends on the person who's hunting it because it's no different event Pokemon in Gen III-IV events where it's nearly impossible to access the original events unless you buy an event cartridge that wasn't for resale. I respect anyone who likes to take the harder route. One Twitch streamer who is one of my favourite streamers on Twitch has been hunting Manaphy for 4 years through the traditional method. I created this method for myself originally and thought I would share this method to allow a new way to hunt for a shiny Manaphy without the time restriction that the traditional route has but also to help people have a chance to obtain their own shiny Manaphy prior to the day when Pokemon Bank shuts down. Good luck to anyone hunting and wish everyone luck on their Manaphy shiny hunts.

  • 1 month later...

I have a question. If I open this save and I change the Trainer ID and IDS. Can I see in PkHex if any egg is shiny or may I have to hatch all eggs to see if any is shiny?

  • 2 weeks later...

You would have to hatch them all. PkHex if you clicked to unhatch the egg would just hatch with the shiny locked Trainer ID and Secret ID. Each egg would have to be manuelly hatched to receive that games Trainer ID and Secret ID.


For me I try and do this as legit as possible but people are able to hunt Manaphy in whichever way suits them. This is only one of many options as there are a few more options open to people compared to previous years. There is this Method The Abundance Method, the Traditional Method, and The Ace Method. At the end of the day, it's in the eye of the beholder on what they see as legit for them.

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