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Gen 4 .sav files from 3ds not working


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I've been using Checkpoint to send my save files to my pc so that I can inject the mystery gifts that I want into various games.  I've done this without issue with all of my Gen 6 and 7 games so far, haven't had to do it with Gen 5 games because of DNS exploit so that leaves me with the Gen 4 games I have.  I've tried with my HG (legitimate copy) save file and it didn't work, giving me the error: "invalid save file loaded.  Aborting"  I'm not sure what's causing this.  Am I supposed to use a different method?  I haven't tried it with my copy of Platinum yet since it's not a genuine copy.  Feedback is appreciated!

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2 hours ago, ICanSnake said:

Use TWL Save Tool to back up your gen 4 and 5 game save files. As far as I know, Checkpoint only works with the 3DS games, but personally I don't even use Checkpoint. I still use JKSM from back in 2017, never upgraded since it still works for me lol.

Thanks for the feedback, but I figured out how to use PKSM instead, which I probably should've been using this whole time.

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