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Problem with my .SAV file


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English its not my first language i apologize for misstakes 

So i got this retro device with a bunch of old games from amazon basically for play old pokemon games. i start with emerald wich its my favorite, everything fine with the game but yesterday i got curious about how to evolve pokemon like kadabra into alakasan in this kind of retrogaming devices and that lead me into PKHeX. So i download the program and at the moment of load the file into PKHeX the program show me an error. i look trought this forum and i found good information that help me understand how all this about emulator and .sav files work but im still not able to make it work. im gonna list the thing i have found out about my files here so maybe one of you guys could help me find the problem.

- I currently have mGBA installed in my computer and 3 different ROM of pkmon emerald, one ROM its the one who came with the retro device and the other 2 i download them from internet.

- I have two  .SAV files, one its my save from the retrodevice (the important for me) and the other one its a random .SAV file i foun in here for experimental purposes

- mGBA work perfect with all the 3 ROMS 

- the retro device just work with the orignal ROM that came with the device, do not read the other 2 i download (or i dont know how to make it work)

- mGBA with the original rom can read my .SAV from the retro device but if i run the mGBA with any of the other 2 rom i download will not read the .SAV and will show me a text that says "the save file has been erased due to corruption ot damage"

- the retro device read perfect both .SAV , mine and the random one i download from here

- the .SAV from the retro device its 64kb but when i copy and paste from the mini Sd card to the computer and i run it in the mGBA the file chage to 128kb, if that 128kb file i copy and paste it in my mini Sd again and i save the game in the retro device will turn to 64kb again

-PKHeX open the random .SAV file from here perfect and i already use to change one kadabra into alakasan

-PKHeX dont open my personal .SAV from the retrodevice and says "Binary is not compatible with save file. Current SAV generation 9"

- i saw in one post here that if you see that message in PKHeX a good solution will be save in game the file and then try with that new file again, well i try that but when i save the game IN GAME the file turns into 64kb again and PKHeX dont read that size of file just 128kb. then i got the idea of play my save from the retro device in the mGBA turned into 128kb and try to save in game from the mGBA but when i do that the game just glitch in the saving screen (screenshot added to the post)


In conclusion i just want to be able to make PKHeX read my personal save. it happen one time but i seriosly dont know how i did it. i didnt make any change on the game during that one time PKHeX read my save. 

also i dont competitive play pokemon, im not tryng to eddit sats on my pokemons or anything, everything its for personal joy of the game and maybe in the future be able to get event pokemon like Mew or Lugia in the game using PKHeX

i atach my personal .SAV file here. 



Pokemon Emerald (important one) Version.sav

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Assuming it is a legitimate Emerald cartridge, looking at your save data, it doesn't look like it is valid per your attached screenshot.

If it is a reproduction cartridge / flashcart, then it is uncertain what "tweaks" it may be doing to store the save data and ROM data. If this is the case, you can always try exporting the save data from mGBA's GUI, if it is somehow saving it separately/in the ROM file.

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