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YTV + Decency = HA!


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For all you Canadians out there, I heard that the TV station YTV has cancelled Naruto and Bleach. I watched both (meh, with Naruto, it was fading as I read the manga now). They lost most other anime shows. They moved to Saturday at midnight. They went through prolonged filler. They restarted at the previous non-filler arc. They got 75% through. They cancelled. YTV is an embarassment to its former self. It has literally turned to crap. All that's left are heavily americanized animes, like Pokémon, Pretty Cure, and Dinosaur King. They might as well not even be anime. BUT DON'T FRET, MY CHILDREN. WE'RE CREATING A NEW ANIME CHANNEL FEATURING ALL THE SHOWS YOU ONCE SAW, AMERICANIZED, EDITED FOR CONTENT, AND EVERYTHING. AND WE HAVE LIKE 12 DIFFERENT SHOWS (OUR ENTIRE LINEUP) THAT HAVE COMPLETED THEIR RUNS, SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO BOTHER WITH HOPING THAT YOU WON'T MISS AN EPISODE. AAAAND, ON TOP OF THAT, WE'RE CHARGING YOU MONEY! HOORAY!

That is YTV. They have no purpose to me anymore. It is literally all Nickelodeon now. SpongeBob, FairlyOdd Parents, iCarly, Drake and Josh, stop me when I'm wrong. Then, there are the "Canadian pride" shows. Prank Patrol, Being Ian, Fries With That?, any show that says "AHM PROWD 2 B A KEWL HIPHOPPIN CANADIAN". People appreciate their country when it's not constantly jammed down their throats. Yvon of the Yukon was where it was at. Next, there are the "older shows" like Everybody Hates Chris and Malcolm in the Middle, which they only play after the series has ended on some other network. I enjoy the shows, but even it's tame to even a 9 year old.

In short, you suck YTV. You tarnished my childhood memories, just to appeal to every 9-12 year old who shouts loudly on Call of Duty, listens to Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers, acts like they're better than you, and are ignorant of everything before them. You took your gross factor out, and replaced it with targeting schemes. Your P.J. is only in it for the money. You have no creativity at all. You are dead to me. You've made that clear with your lack of morality through feigned morality. You had standards, and you would stop at nothing to keep them. Those standards were keeping children unique through shock and humor. You speak to kids like idiots, not kids. You used to be ahead of your time with ideas, ideals, and programs that both kids and adults could enjoy. The 90's are what you lost 10 years ago, and they ain't coming back.

You are nothing.

To the people of PP: I'm sorry for my outburst, but this is the only place I feel comfortable saying this. To American readers: Did you feel this way with Cartoon Network's Toonami block? My current time is 1:30 AM, so I'm tired. Discuss how you feel about all this.

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