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Unable to change pokeball of crystal ilex forest celebi?


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I have a celebi from the pkhex encounter database originating from the VC crystal. Whenever I try to change its pokeball from that of a basic pokeball, it tells me it can't have that poke ball for its encounter type. Shouldn't it be catchable in any pokeball that's in crystal?

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1 hour ago, OnceInABlueMew said:

I have a celebi from the pkhex encounter database originating from the VC crystal. Whenever I try to change its pokeball from that of a basic pokeball, it tells me it can't have that poke ball for its encounter type. Shouldn't it be catchable in any pokeball that's in crystal?

Gen 2 Pokemon’s data structure doesn’t contain the “ball caught in” parameter (that parameter was only introduced in Gen 3).

So when any Gen 1 or 2 Mon is transferred up, it can only be in Poke Ball.

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