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PKHeX says that evolution is not valid on a dudunsparce with Hyper Drill, any way to fix this?


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Hello Coolbond, I am trying to figure this out as well for both Maushold / Dudunsparce. Could you please help me out by explaining on how to do the encryption constant divisible by 100? I don't understand how this work and how it will guarantee the 100% evolution.  Thank you in advance! 

Would you also know how in the latest update of Pkhex "Fixed: Maushold / Dudunsparce %100 evolution calc fixed (From %25)" works?

Edited by Wenzy
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24 minutes ago, Wenzy said:

Hello Coolbond, I am trying to figure this out as well for both Maushold / Dudunsparce. Could you please help me out by explaining on how to do the encryption constant divisible by 100? I don't understand how this work and how it will guarantee the 100% evolution.  Thank you in advance! 

Would you also know how in the latest update of Pkhex "Fixed: Maushold / Dudunsparce %100 evolution calc fixed (From %25)" works?

The easiest way is to copy your Encryption Constant into a website that converts hexadecimal to decimal. I use this site: https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html

You will need to make sure the decimal result is divisible by 100, so add/subtract the correct amount from the decimal to make it 100. For example, my Two-Segment Dudunsparce had a decimal that ended in 302 and its last two hex values were A6, so to get a Three-Segment divisible by 100, I just had to subtract 2 from the hex so my Encryption Constant would end in A4. Another example, a random hex number you could start with as an Encryption Constant 3FA357BC, converting this into decimal makes this end in 436. So you subtract 36 from the decimal (aka subtracting 24 from its hex value), so the new Encryption Constant will be 3FA35798.

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Hello ICanSnake, thank you for the detailed explanation. I appreciate it! 

I would like to double check with you on which part of the decimal has to be divisible by 100? The whole number, the beginning of the first three digit, or the last three digit? Let’s keep using the example you provided: (3FA357BC = 1067669436) and (3FA35798 = 1067669400). 

Also, if 3FA35798 is 100%, couldn’t we use this as a universal code for both Maushold / Dudunsparce?

Edited by Wenzy
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1 hour ago, Wenzy said:

Hello ICanSnake, thank you for the detailed explanation. I appreciate it! 

I would like to double check with you on which part of the decimal has to be divisible by 100? The whole number, the beginning of the first three digit, or the last three digit? Let’s keep using the example you provided: (3FA357BC = 1067669436) and (3FA35798 = 1067669400). 

Also, if 3FA35798 is 100%, couldn’t we use this as a universal code for both Maushold / Dudunsparce?

The whole number has to be divisible by 100 (Kaphotics explains this as %100 which is modulus 100), but because it's 100 and not any other number, the last 2 numbers of the decimal need to be 00.

Preferably you should be rerolling your Encryption Constant for each gen you make. I haven't tried with Maushold but I don't see why that shouldn't work.

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