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Legends Arceus Save Modifications


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Hello! I'm new to all of this. Allow me to preface some things a little bit. 

I used to own a Switch with the digital version of PLA. I had the story complete and all of that. However, I had to sell my switch and since the save data is tied to the console, there goes my save file. I picked up a used switch today and I'm in the process of installing PLA on it. I'm trying to see if I'm able to use the save editor to 100% the story so that I can shiny hunt? 

I'm just trying to avoid having to go through the entire story all over again just to shiny hunt. I'm unsure of if it's necessary to complete the story to focus on shiny hunting. I know that isn't necessary in mainline games but I've seen contradicting opinions on it for PLA. I haven't done it in any game so I don't know how it works in PLA.

Is this possible given the fact that it's the digital version? I've tried reading through the tutorials and such but I haven't really found anything to answer that question.

Thank you in advance!

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