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PL:A Alpha Pokemon "Invalid: Initial move mastery flags do not match the encounter's expected state"

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I'm trying to figure out how to fix this error on alpha pokemon. I'm messing with the "alpha mastered" move, and making it as "mastered" and not "purchased" in the move shop. On a few pokemon changing the move seems to fix it, but I'm having trouble determining what the move should be. Is there a rule that determines what alpha move an alpha pokemon should have mastered? Attached is a Gengar that I am having trouble with.

094 - Gengar - F4EFDF0804B7.pa8

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I think I figured out a fix for my already made pokemon. 

step 1: Go to move shop, hit "remove all"
step 2: Go to move shop, hit "give all"
step 3: go to move shop, and make sure the alpha mastered move is "mastered" and not "purchased". 


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