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PLA: Nature edits "saving" but not reflecting stat changes.


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Hi there.

I 100% get this is a new version and might be some tweaks to adjust. I appreciate the work the devs and everyone working on this project.

I did my save backup via Checkpoint, moved to PC, opened in Pkehex. The only thing I wanted to do was edit the nature of my Evee and started, I did, I rerolled the PID, the legality checker had the check-mark.
I imported the save via checkpoint, and in fact, I saw the new nature in-game(under the capture info), but, when I went to stats, the arrows which indicate the benefitial stat and the one hindered show the original arrows, so the name changed but not the actual stats.

I tested it further by using the same pokemon twice, one with the original  nature and one with the modified one.
I evolved both pokemons to the same one, and leveled them once each and the stats are 100% the same.

Hopefully someone can give me advice.

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7 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

Stat Nature exists. Change it, and be sure you set the data back to the slot prior to exporting.

The program is working correctly.

Thanks so much for this, you are right.

I had no clue there was a section for the actual stat change, I was not used doing that from what I remember.


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