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Hackmons - Primal Kyogre/Groudon or Eternamax form not saving?


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I'm trying to use some hackmons with Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon, and Eternamax forms as the default state. Is there any way to get it to work with PkHax? You seem to be able to set the eternatus form to eternamax within pkhax, but then it reverts back to eternatus when i load the save.


Primal Kyogre/Groudon doesn't seem to even load at all -- the sprites are wrong, and the base stats are wrong (i just changed the form number to 1 in pkhax) when i load the save.


Any way to get primal forms working, and eternamax to stay as its default form when loading the save?


Just to clarify, this is for Gen 8 pokemon SW/SH

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7 minutes ago, starbux33 said:

Any way to get primal forms working

The primal forms presently don't exist in SWSH, so no.

(basically, you can't add mons with the species and form ID or stuff that doesn't exist in SWSH)

7 minutes ago, starbux33 said:

eternamax to stay as its default form when loading the save?

You're gonna need to try another method. Maybe save editing the overworld spawns, or save editing the event Max Raids, or ROM editing the Max Raids.

Save editing Eternamax into your party is a no-no. If Eternatus has Eternamax form, upon loading the save, it will revert to the regular form automatically.
That is just the way the game is programmed, to prevent the player from having an Eternamax form (even a hacked one)
(I detailed that here)

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@theSLAYER Got it thanks. I assume this applies to all the mega forms as well? Like mega mewtwo, etc?

I read somewhere that even though those pokemon from earlier gen are not currently obtainable, the code is all in the game so I assumed you would be able to load those pokemon, including all the forms. But it looks like all the mega/primal forms are not coded into the game?


Also any guide/pointers on rom editing, to allow eternamax form to stay consistent in between saves? Would prefer not to constantly have to catch him every raid to use him in between saves so wondering if it's possible to edit the rom so that he is permanently in that state once caught / bypass the form checker.

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3 minutes ago, starbux33 said:

Got it thanks. I assume this applies to all the mega forms as well? Like mega mewtwo, etc?

yes, megas don't exist in SWSH.

3 minutes ago, starbux33 said:

I read somewhere that even though those pokemon from earlier gen are not currently obtainable, the code is all in the game so I assumed you would be able to load those pokemon, including all the forms.

That is incorrect. The code is not in the game. Hence those mons literally don't exist.
The only thing leftover are their names, and maybe ability name.

Those mons will have the wrong stats, and wrong model (a default Pikachu or egg model).

So don't add them into your save.

3 minutes ago, starbux33 said:

But it looks like all the mega/primal forms are not coded into the game?

Yup, they are not.

3 minutes ago, starbux33 said:

Also any guide/pointers on rom editing, to allow eternamax form to stay consistent in between saves? Would prefer not to constantly have to catch him every raid to use him in between saves so wondering if it's possible to edit the rom so that he is permanently in that state once caught / bypass the form checker.

Such a bypass is not known. It has to be caught again and again, between saves. Either that, or never turn off the game. This way, you only need to catch it once 😜

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