icem1 Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: arceus Held Item: draco plate Level: 1 Ability: multitype Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): butch Trainer Gender (If specific): Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: quiet Attacks: judgment doom desire blizzard draco meteor PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: cherish Battle Stats: hp 14 attack 12 sp att 14 def 10 sp def 10 speed 8 IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 255 all Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: irrelevant Level Met At: 1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: 55 Contest Stats: irrelevant Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): box 1, slot 1 For what game (required for AR code): HG USA Friend Code (required for Trading): irrelevant i would like an ar code for hg usa please
Chipper Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Turtwig Held Item: Level:1 Ability: Overgrow Nickname (If wanted): Jaderider Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Trainer Gender (If specific): Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): YES Egg (Yes or No): YES Nature: Adamant Attacks: Seedbomb, tackle PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 hp/ 31 def/ 31 /sp def/ 31 atk/ 31 speed/ 30 sp atk EV Stats:252 atk 196 speed 60 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Elekid Held Item: Level:1 Ability: static Nickname (If wanted): Plugitin Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Trainer Gender (If specific): Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): YES Egg (Yes or No): YES Nature: Adamant Attacks: fire punch, ice punch, thunderpunch, cross chop PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 hp/ 31 def/ 31 /sp def/ 31 atk/ 31 speed/ 30 sp atk EV Stats:252 atk 196 speed 60 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Togepi Held Item: Level:1 Ability: serene grace Nickname (If wanted): Egghead Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Trainer Gender (If specific): Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): femle Shiny (Yes or No): YES Egg (Yes or No): YES Nature: modest Attacks: shadowball, charm, growl, shock wave PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31 hp/ 31 def/ 31 /sp def/ 30 atk/ 31 speed/ 31 sp atk EV Stats:252 sp atk 196 speed 60 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: Friend Code (required for Trading): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Houndour Held Item: Level:1 Ability: Flash fire Nickname (If wanted): Domino Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Trainer Gender (If specific): Trainer ID (If specific): Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): YES Egg (Yes or No): YES Nature: modest Attacks: hidden power, dark pulse, flamethrower, swift PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31-hp/ 31-atk/ 31-speed/ 31-sp def/ 30- sp atk/ 30-def. EV Stats:252 sp atk 196 speed 60 hp Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: Friend Code (required for Trading): FC: 0732 6563 7001 I want all of these in eggs, i don't care about the IDs or OT. Location met is daycare man? the date can be the day you make them.
UnderXRay Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 im not exactly sure which requests were made or not so i will make the ones that were posted today. will be ready in a few minutes. @derrick, please post the .pgt files and ill get them for you. @Triple Forim Expert, here you go, just so you know it's battle stats arent the ones you requested since they are not the legal maxed ones, this code will place the requested pokemon at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC 06B506B6 7A020000 EDCF055E 27163EF2 8C7141F1 C0EE4CC3 CD8F20A5 C023A143 D4D1FD55 10A3CCBB 077C5E07 CDC64377 6B50CAB1 6AA4ABE1 107DAF60 BAC19372 96A5AF43 294BB5F8 42A6EB63 4DFCF3A1 64CAC2B8 DC975D88 B1FE4BFB 8B2C846E 6EFA42BD E8621FFB C6A71715 CAE2EBFA 41559718 FE81AA96 C8159729 3F7F3517 40123A7F D890E26C BAF369E3 CF0C485E B5DC5AFC EA0E18F8 A4D82785 8AF071FC 711F155A 017EAE33 5E417603 A315EEC5 7A503FDA FEE86130 06D73607 3DE08DD1 3ECDF8F1 A99C4875 1F3ABAF2 9FB8162F 16208C49 75521C6B BB977254 0EC9ED42 F93ABDFE 2FC8C510 43C15575 00000000 D2000000 00000000 tested and worked on Platinum, any problems/changes you want me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer. @icem1, from my what i understand, pokeav cannot generate codes for HG/SS US at the moment, you will have to wait until the capable version is released. if you want i can trade it to you. @Chipper, i have your pokemon ready for trade, just so you know, (if i remember correctly) when you hatch them they will not stay shiny since they cannot be legal shiny and have thoes IVs. please pm me if you want me to change anything or/and when your ready to trade.
sube Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: piplup Held Item: leftovers Level:1 Ability: Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):squeeb Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 06131 Secret ID (If specific): 24345 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): yes Nature: adamant Attacks: swords dance, aqua jet, earthquake, drill peck PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31hp/31att/31 def/21spec att/ 31spec def/31 speed EV Stats: 252 hp/ 252 attack/ 4 speed Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met :today Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): you pick one cool/today Happiness:max Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3309-0530-0777
UnderXRay Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 i have your pokemon ready for trade. i will pm you when im ready to trade.
Stormblast Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 I was wondering if someone could take my Umbreon and change his stats and moves.
Frogoholic1 Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 Could anyone sav me these? I'll need these traded to me. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Hippowdon Held Item: Leftovers Level: 50 Ability: Sand Stream Nickname (If wanted): Crusher Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): RICHARD Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 21354 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Impish Attacks: Earthquake,Slack Off,Stealth Rock, Roar PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status: No status Pokéball Captured In: Poke Ball Battle Stats: 215/132/174/79/103/67 IV Stats: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EV Stats: 252/0/168/0/88/0 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Today, Ravaged Path Happiness: Max Contest Stats: None Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Party 1 For what game (required for AR code):Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180 6239 2454 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Roserade Held Item: Focus Sash Level: 50 Ability: Natural Cure Nickname (If wanted): Thorn Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): RICHARD Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 21354 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Female Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Timid Attacks: Sleep Powder, Leaf Storm, Hidden Power, Toxic Spikes PP (max or normal): Max Pokérus Status:No Status Pokéball Captured In: Poke Ball Battle Stats: 136/81/75/177/125/156 IV Stats: 31/30/30/31/31/31 EV Stats: 4/0/0/252/0/252 Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Today, Floaroma Meadow Happiness: Max Contest Stats: None Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Party 2 For what game (required for AR code): Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 3180 6239 2454
Chipper Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 Hey UnderxRay, I am actually going to use this FC instead of the one I originally posted.... FC: 0303 1966 2740 Just let me know when to trade please.
Guardna Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 @Frogoholic1 Sure, I'll PM you when they're ready.
derrick Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 ok heres the pgt. files for all six my friend code is 1977 9493 9755 send me a pm when there ready. thanks! Ranger 3 Deoxys - Defense - Japanese.pgtFetching info... Ranger 3 Deoxys - Speed - Japanese.pgtFetching info... Ranger 3 Shaymin - Japanese.pgtFetching info... Ranger 3 Heatran - Japanese.pgtFetching info... Ranger 3 Deoxys - Normal - Japanese.pgtFetching info... Ranger 3 Deoxys - Attack - Japanese.pgtFetching info...
Guardna Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 @Derrick. Ok, I'll receive the events and I'll PM you when they're ready.
derrick Posted March 14, 2010 Posted March 14, 2010 ok thanks do you know what the correct dates might be i know anytime after the missions are distrubuted
Triple Forim Expert Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 (edited) can someone please make me a code for the legendary dragon trio from Heartgold and Soulsilver? I also want the code for Pokemon Platinum. Thanks in advance. Edited March 16, 2010 by UnderXRay
COBHC Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 RAY OR GUARDNA Reveal hidden contents my pokemon ranch japan: flygon : babagion ot baba id 07018 naive nature berry yache draco meteor u turn earthquake dragon claw lv 50 and metagross lv 62 ot red cherish ball brave nature berry ooca bullet punch meteor mash hammer arm zen headbutt, these i think are in jap and in cherish ball my pokemon ranch usa : mew lv 50 ot yukari id 01000 cherish ball synthesis return hypnosis teleport pokemon box ruby and saphire: the pichu with surf (with ot MARIO and id 23589) and its hatched gale of darkness: articuno lv 50 ot MARIO id 04230 national ribbon heal bell extrasensory haze ice beam zapdos lv 50 ot MAIO id 04230 national ribbon extrasensory batton pass metal sound light screen moltres lv 50 ot MAIO id 04230 national ribbon morning sun extrasensory will-o-wisp flamethrower lugia lv 50 ot MAIO id 04230 national ribbon psycho boost feather dance recover hydro pump and other lugia nickname XD001 lv100 ot MAIO id 04230 national ribbon psycho boost aeroblast recover hydro pump this one modest nature with 31 iv´s and 252 ev´s in special attack and 252 in hp and 6 in speed
Triple Forim Expert Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: salamence Held Item:Focus Sash Level:100 Ability:Intimidate Nickname (If wanted):Tiamatria Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Mario Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):33456 Secret ID (If specific):33456 Pokemon Gender (If specific): Female Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No):Yes Nature:Adament Attacks: Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Dragon claw, and Stone Edge PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: No status Pokéball Captured In:ultra ball Battle Stats: IV Stats:31 hp, 31 atk, 16 def, 22 sp. atk, 22 sp.def, and 26 speed EV Stats:358 HP,405 atk,181 def, 222 sp. atk, 187 sp def, and 268 speed Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met:Arrived from Hoenn at lv. 100/mar 15, 2010 Level Met At:100 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):route 202 Happiness:Legit Max Contest Stats:none Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code)Box 18, slot 1: For what game (required for AR code): D/P or Platinum:Platinum Edited March 16, 2010 by UnderXRay use spoilers
Triple Forim Expert Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 (edited) @UnderXray: I tried your code and it froze my game. EDIT:Never mind, I just inadvertanly put in a few wrong numbers. It works now. Edited March 15, 2010 by Triple Forim Expert I needed to revise my results.
Triple Forim Expert Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 UnderXRay said: im not exactly sure which requests were made or not so i will make the ones that were posted today. will be ready in a few minutes.@derrick, please post the .pgt files and ill get them for you. @Triple Forim Expert, here you go, just so you know it's battle stats arent the ones you requested since they are not the legal maxed ones, this code will place the requested pokemon at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC 06B506B6 7A020000 EDCF055E 27163EF2 8C7141F1 C0EE4CC3 CD8F20A5 C023A143 D4D1FD55 10A3CCBB 077C5E07 CDC64377 6B50CAB1 6AA4ABE1 107DAF60 BAC19372 96A5AF43 294BB5F8 42A6EB63 4DFCF3A1 64CAC2B8 DC975D88 B1FE4BFB 8B2C846E 6EFA42BD E8621FFB C6A71715 CAE2EBFA 41559718 FE81AA96 C8159729 3F7F3517 40123A7F D890E26C BAF369E3 CF0C485E B5DC5AFC EA0E18F8 A4D82785 8AF071FC 711F155A 017EAE33 5E417603 A315EEC5 7A503FDA FEE86130 06D73607 3DE08DD1 3ECDF8F1 A99C4875 1F3ABAF2 9FB8162F 16208C49 75521C6B BB977254 0EC9ED42 F93ABDFE 2FC8C510 43C15575 00000000 D2000000 00000000 tested and worked on Platinum, any problems/changes you want me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer. @icem1, from my what i understand, pokeav cannot generate codes for HG/SS US at the moment, you will have to wait until the capable version is released. if you want i can trade it to you. @Chipper, i have your pokemon ready for trade, just so you know, (if i remember correctly) when you hatch them they will not stay shiny since they cannot be legal shiny and have thoes IVs. please pm me if you want me to change anything or/and when your ready to trade. I tested your code and my salamence's sp def is a little screwed up, UndeXray.
Triple Forim Expert Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 Sorry for the Double post, UnderXRay, but I DID NOT want the salamence to have pokerus!
Guardna Posted March 15, 2010 Posted March 15, 2010 @COBHC Your Pokemon are ready, please PM me whenever you want them.
lijero13ss Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 (edited) i needs this plz :biggrin: Reveal hidden contents Arceus (event) Held Item: Rowap Berry Level: 100 Ability: Multitype Nickname (If wanted): none Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Eigakan Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 07189 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): none Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: Judgement, Roar of Time, Special Rend, Shadow Force PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: not infected Pokéball Captured In: cherish ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 444 HP 372 Rest of Stats EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): Classic Ribbon Location/Date Met: Had a Faithful Encounter November 15, 2009 Level Met At: 100 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness: normal Contest Stats: none Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum Friend Code (required for Trading): 2965 6650 2852 Edited March 16, 2010 by UnderXRay i fixed your spoilers, check the first post to see how to use it correctly
Emp Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 Thanks in advance Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Raikou Held Item: Life Orb Level: 40 Ability: Pressure Original Trainer: Jie Trainer Gender: Male Trainer ID: 62893 Secret ID: N/A ( Might need a lil' help with this one ) Shiny: Yes Egg: No Nature: Timid Attacks: Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power, Extrasensory PP: Normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Moon Ball Battle Stats: N/A IV Stats: 31 / 30 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31 EV Stats: 4 HP / 252 S.Att / 252 Speed Location/Date Met: Route 31, 3/15/2010 Level Met At: 40 Happiness: 0 Contest Stats: N/A For what game (required for AR code): HG Friend Code (required for Trading): 2192 9844 8032
UnderXRay Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 (edited) @Triple Forim Expert, i do not know what you did with the salamence i made you but i did not give it pokerus (if you have a pokemon with pokerus in your team the salamence probably got infected), as for the Sp.Def, since you did not specify what IV you want for it, and since you requested it to be shiny and not hatched, i needed to make the stats fit the shiny status for it to be legal, if you want i can make it either not shiny with the stats you want or hatched (or if you want i can just make it in anyway you want but then it wont be legal). i will start making the unfinished requests. @Triple Forim Expert, here you go, this code will place the (new) requested salamence at slot 1 in your party, enjoy: Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC 2D7691F0 24EB0000 733D4526 9AC8F530 A58F882B 6BE8569A 618CD3D6 C35FCF6A 195B4396 CDEBB52F 607831EA DB836D72 6E3D2D95 6C39AC01 93449163 192ECFC0 31C9BCFA 5B5895AC 28D87417 D3375A93 D47047C3 D49D795C DD895936 4548E912 16A983C2 24B31B74 66523EB6 56383EC3 9CBF4CA9 9E56B137 4BF0FE97 8AB3BFBC 56A18BFB 1BA96EC6 1CCA4B93 95C5CCC6 A1B5D52D 98528BEF D39ED30B 4CA4AA19 0D49E22F BD9EB003 CCC29818 A69DC028 5E022544 F2C99304 87BF6E57 8297BDB5 404721C3 D26FFCA8 AEC4A3A1 67907597 FCC2E2C4 273024B2 BBEE6B0B FBE7E91C E42048F7 6D4DE498 AD9B927C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 tested and worked on Platinum, any problems/changes you want me to fix/do tell me. @lijero13ss, i have your arceus ready for trade, just so you know if you place this pokemon inside a box it's stats will become the normal maxed ones. please pm me when you are ready. @Emp, i have your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready. just so you know since you requested it to be shiny it cannot have such high IVs and be legal aswell, so at the moment it appears hacked, if you want me to change it pm me. if you want i can give it different IVs that will result in a shiny with the highest hidden power ice i can find (with timid nature of course). Edited March 17, 2010 by UnderXRay
chaos_scrap Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Venusaur Held Item: Black Sludge Level: 100 Ability: Overgrow Nickname (If wanted): none Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: calm Attacks: substitute / leech seed / sludge bomb / sleep powder PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 hp / 128 def / 128 spdef Ribbons (If any): sinnoh champ / effort Location/Date Met: day care couple / august 8 2009 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): route 213 / august 8 2009 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Drapion Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Battle Armor Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: impish Attacks: taunt / toxic spikes / crunch / knock off PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 hp / 4 atk / 252 def Ribbons (If any): sinnoh champ / effort Location/Date Met: day care couple / dec 6 2009 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): route 214 / dec 7 2009 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Drapion Held Item: life orb Level: 100 Ability: sniper Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: jolly Attacks: pursuit / crunch / earthquake / aqua tail PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 atk / 4 def / 252 spe Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: day care couple / jan 5 2010 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): route 204 / jan 5 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: quagsire Held Item: leftovers Level: 100 Ability: water absorb Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): female Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): Nature: impish Attacks: recover / earthquake / ice punch / yawn PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 hp / 4 atk / 252 def Ribbons (If any): sinnoh champ / effort Location/Date Met: day care couple / feb 4 2010 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): route 224 / feb 6 2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: zapdos Held Item: choice scarf Level: 100 Ability: pressure Nickname (If wanted): zApPYdoS Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 07666 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: timid Attacks: thunderbolt / hidden power / heat wave / u-turn PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 hp / 30 atk / 31 def / 30 spatk / 31 spdef / 31 spe EV Stats: 80 hp / 252 spatk / 176 spe Ribbons (If any): sinnoh champ / effort Location/Date Met: Kanto / jan 1, 2010 Level Met At: 50 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Jumpluff Held Item: focus sash Level: 100 Ability: chlorophyll Nickname (If wanted): Allergies Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Craig Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 34988 Secret ID (If specific): Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: jolly Attacks: sleep powder / stun spore / encore / uturn PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats: 31 all EV Stats: 252 hp / 4 atk / 252 spe Ribbons (If any): sinnoh champ / effort Location/Date Met: day care couple / march 14 2010 Level Met At: Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): route 201 / march 14 2010 need by trade fc:2664 8015 2954 Edited March 17, 2010 by chaos_scrap done
Abiezer Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 all these are for Wifi trade All IVs are in this order: HP/Attack/Def/Sp Attack/Sp Def/Speed. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Jirachi Held Item: ChoiceScarf Level: 50 Ability: SereneGrace Nickname (If wanted): no Nick Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): WISHMKR Trainer Gender (If specific): Male Trainer ID (If specific): 20043 Secret ID (If specific): if you happen to know which corresponds to it, feel free to put it in here. Pokemon Gender (If specific): Does this thing have a gender?? lol Shiny (Yes or No): EWW no Egg (Yes or No): Uhh no Nature: Jolly Attacks: U-turn, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Iron Head. PP (max or normal): Normal. Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: w/e they are at LV 50 IV Stats: 31/31/29/12/29/31. EV Stats: 82 HP, 252 Attack, 176 Speed Ribbons (If any): nah Location/Date Met: Hoenn, arrived at LV 15(this is what its supposed to say in the 2nd page of the pokemon's details) Level Met At: 15 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): ... Happiness: ... Contest Stats: ... Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): ??? For what game (required for AR code): Diamond Friend Code (required for Trading): 0602_3085_2380 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Lucario Held Item: TM26 Level: 50 Ability: Steadfast Nickname (If wanted): Luke Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): w/e SAVs it. Trainer Gender (If specific): See above Trainer ID (If specific): See above Secret ID (If specific): See above Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Jolly Attacks: Close Combat, Swords Dance, Crunch, ExtremeSpeed PP (max or normal): Max(I'll need this) Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: w/e they are at LV 50 IV Stats: 25/31/29/03/31/31. EV Stats: 252 Speed and Attack Ribbons (If any): ... Location/Date Met: Route 210, March 08 2010 Level Met At: 1(hatched from egg) Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Day-Care Couple, March 08 2010 Happiness: ... Contest Stats: ... Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): ??? For what game (required for AR code): Diamond Friend Code (required for Trading): 0602_3085_2380 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Spiritomb Held Item: Life orb Level: 50 Ability: Pressure Nickname (If wanted): BomB Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): w/e SAVs it Trainer Gender (If specific): See above Trainer ID (If specific): See above Secret ID (If specific): See above Pokemon Gender (If specific): Female Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Quiet Attacks: Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Pain Split. PP (max or normal): Normal Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball Battle Stats: w/e they are at LV 50 IV Stats: 31/05/30/31/30/02. EV Stats: 252 HP and Sp attack Ribbons (If any): ... Location/Date Met: Route 209 March 12 2010 Level Met At: 1(hatched from egg) Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Day-care Couple March 12 2010 Happiness: ... Contest Stats: ... Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): ??? For what game (required for AR code): Diamond Friend Code (required for Trading): 0602_3085_2380 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Hitmonchan Held Item: TM 18(Rain Dance) Level: 57 Ability: Iron Fist Nickname (If wanted): JackieChan Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): w/e SAVs it Trainer Gender (If specific): see above Trainer ID (If specific): see above Secret ID (If specific): see above Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male. Shiny (Yes or No): ew No Egg (Yes or No): Nope Nature: Adamant Attacks: Drain punch, Fake out, Bullet Punch, Ice Punch PP (max or normal): Normal Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball.. Battle Stats: w/e they are at LV 57 IV Stats: 31/31/31/06/27/03 EV Stats: 252 HP and Attack Ribbons (If any): nah Location/Date Met: Route 212, January 07 2010 Level Met At: 1(hatched from egg) Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Day-care couple, January 07 2010 Happiness: ... Contest Stats: ... Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): ??? For what game (required for AR code): Diamond Friend Code (required for Trading): 0602_3085_2380 I asked for the last one a week or so ago, but it never got finished, so I'm putting him here again. Please let me know if there's anything wrong with them, Thank you.
UnderXRay Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 will be ready in a few minutes. EDIT: i have your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.
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