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For Gengar, are you changing the IVs to what I put in my last post, or is there a better way? Because I just found out that my previous combination was wrong. About Flygon, that is fine, thanks.

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Posted (edited)

hey bassman, thanks for working with me on this. I posted a rate my team thread on another forum and would like to see what others think before I make it, so I'm not going to request that team atm. For the time being I have you as the OT for all of my pokemon. Thats fine with me unless I find out my own secret ID. I'll re-request when I get some results on my RMT thread.

EDIT: Here's the team I'd like.






Dusknoir.pkmFetching info...

moltres2.pkmFetching info...

Forretress.pkmFetching info...

vaporeon.pkmFetching info...

swampert.pkmFetching info...

Edited by stupido

Did anyone review my request, I don't know when aarux is coming back and I would greatly appreciate it if someone was willing to trade

HeartGold Friend Code: 3825 0821 4835

Posted (edited)

Sorry, I managed to overlook your request. I'll get on it now.

Edit: I have now made them, but my DSi is now on charge and it is getting on towards 1am so I may try to get some sleep!

Edited by Bassman
Posted (edited)

i want this pokemon wi-fi traded please and i lost my action replay >.<

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edit: i heard aarux is gone well if anyone notice i was gone too i had to go to the nearest starbucks to go in this but i can help make these codes so if you need help bassman i can help but the scizor i am requesting i have trouble making these but i can make other ones also my action replay broke too so i can only make the codes not trade for people

Edited by red707

I would really like somebody to Pokesav a Heatran for me, or tell me how to make a legal one for HG version. I'm trying to make the following Heatran, but I'm confused as to how to make it appear as if it was legitimately obtained in a link trade from a D/P/PT player who legitimately caught it in their game.

Heatran @ Choice Scarf

Naive, 252 Sp. Atk., 252 Speed, 4 Sp. Def.

IVs: As high as possible without compromising speed or sp. atk at all

Fire Blast

Earth Power


HP Electric (Preferred) or Dragon Pulse

What's confusing me is if I still need to put my own trainer ID/Secret ID, or is it as simple as saying it was met at stark mountain at the appropriate level, and just putting in a random trainer ID and OT name? Alternatively, you can 'SAV me one of these puppies, but I would much appreciate being taught to do it myself. Thanks so much for reading.

Here's my HG FC: 1591 9116 3904


um bassman you forgot my request

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Can anyone please Pokesav this team and then trade it to me. I will do anything in my power to repay you, just know that I haven't beaten the Elite Four =) I have Soul Silver btw.

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Posted (edited)
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I tried to make this as legitimate-looking as possible for you. Take all the time that's needed. I will subscribe to the page so that I can know when they are ready.

Thanks in advance. :)

MINOR EDIT: I have switched Suicune's hold item from Leftovers to a Damp Rock. The reasoning behind this is that I already have a spare Leftovers lying around, and I'm too lazy to dig up my own rock. xD

Edited by Spencer n Aurora

Can you make the battle stats for riolu the stats it would normally have at that level and for heatran can you make the stats legal and high

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Posted (edited)

I am reposting only some of my many requests. Bassman is teaching me how to make codes and how to check them.

I am still learning how to make codes, but these are codes, that I kow will give me some trouble.

I am not going to repost the others, until I fail at making their codes.

I have some more requests.

I have 2 Soulsilver Versions and 1 Heartgold Version for the US.

I want each traveling party in each of the game paks to have completely different pokemon. No one pokemon is in 2 different game paks.

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The other two game packs, I am at Violet City, and I have not beatten Falkner yet, but I would like to begin training all 6 traveling pokemon now.

These other 12 pokemon need to also traverse all throughout the Kanto Regions and the Johto Regions.

Therefore I will need a party which knows or can learn all of the HMS and Flash.

I am asking tor the US Action Replay Code for 2 Different Game Packs, although I want you to include a certain pokemon in each one, you have almost complete freedom with choosing the other 5 pokemon as long as they can learn the required moves. I would like to train a Dragon type and a ghost type for a change, but it is your choice.

I just want a strong team to travel throughtout both regions and be able to win many gym battles without their moves being too weak to have a chance .

It does not matter which Pokedex they are in . Kanto or Johto, because I am not picky. I just want to start bonding with them all earlier, rather then play catch up on the newcomer, like I always have done.

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One of my game paks, is losing the connection, every single time that I want to communicate so that I can trade any pokemon from any of my game paks to it, so that I really will need the following pokemon in order to get a complete pokedex. Because one of my game packs refuses to link to any other game pak, apparently It will be unable to make the following trades.

I found this code on the shiny eevee event from the Pokemon Championship, earlier this year in Seattle.

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I even found a PKM of this event Eevee, and the code came out as a hacked pokemon.

Could someone please take this action replay code, if it works, and be able to create the very same Event Shiny Eevee, and all 7 of its evolutions to the following specs or requests if at all possible.

I would like them all to be as legit as possible.

I would like them this way, even if you don't use this code.

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This next group deals with pokemon from the series of the twirp trio or in the Hoenn Region the Twirp Quartet. You can choose which pokemon to make a code for for each of the children, and these other characters, but I would like them to appear like these characters traded these pokemon to me.

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I have a lot of Pokemon that I am requesting for my Heartgold and Soulsilver Versions.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make me these pokemon.

Edited by Tracy1969able

Spencer n Aurora, you want all the Battle Stats at maximum. Do you mean at 999 (which will I believe change when they are moved out of the party) or at the level dictated by the IV's and EV's

Shad99: Your Heatran and Riolu are ready

  Bassman said:
Spencer n Aurora, you want all the Battle Stats at maximum. Do you mean at 999 (which will I believe change when they are moved out of the party) or at the level dictated by the IV's and EV's

Sorry for not being specific. I'd like them at the levels dictated by the IVs and EVs, if possible.


Spencer to get a legal PID with Pokegen I had to reduce the Def IV on Scizor to 29, HP IV on Zapdos to 16 (HP Grass 69 now) and HP IV on Suicune to 26. I can use Pokesav if you prefer but I am never sure how legal the Pokemon from that are going to fare against the Legality Checker.



The original file containing the VGC10 Eevee comes up as Hacked. Strangely the AR code you posted comes up with a Hatched Pokemon which certainly sounds wrong.

On those "multiple choice" Pokemon I am not sure I would have a clue as to what is good and what is not. I usually make do with the Pokemon I have in my games rather than looking to tactics. You may need to get some advice elsewhere on those.



The reason why the code came out as hacked is because it has a few typos in them.

Replace the line

[00000001 00000001]

with the line

[00010001 00000001].

Replace the lines

[00000000 00000000]

[00000000 00000000]

with the lines

[00004000 00000000]

[00000000 00000000].

  Bassman said:
Spencer to get a legal PID with Pokegen I had to reduce the Def IV on Scizor to 29, HP IV on Zapdos to 16 (HP Grass 69 now) and HP IV on Suicune to 26. I can use Pokesav if you prefer but I am never sure how legal the Pokemon from that are going to fare against the Legality Checker.

That's absolutely fine; no need to use Pokesav on this one, as I trust your judgment on how everything should be handled.

I've added your FC to my list, and will be available for the trade starting at around 12 PM EDT (5 PM BST, if I'm correct) tomorrow (Aug. 4th), if that works for you. If not, I'm sure we can figure something out over PM or something.

Lastly, since this is my first request, I feel inclined to ask, what exactly do you want me to trade you in return for this?

Thanks again for the help.


When I do a Pokemon Request I work on the principle that I am creating something from nothing so I make no demands on the trades I get. It is down to the requestee, but as far as I am concerned, any old Pokemon will do just fine (working on that my Pokedex on my AR/Editing copy of HG stands at 230 which isn't bad considering a created Pokemon has no effect on the number).

  Bassman said:
When I do a Pokemon Request I work on the principle that I am creating something from nothing so I make no demands on the trades I get. It is down to the requestee, but as far as I am concerned, any old Pokemon will do just fine (working on that my Pokedex on my AR/Editing copy of HG stands at 230 which isn't bad considering a created Pokemon has no effect on the number).

All right, cool. I'm ready for the trade whenever you are, so I'll wait for you in the WFC.


For the battle stats can you make the speed and special attack legal and high.And can can you make the shaymin a fateful encounter at flower paradise(level 30)

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Posted (edited)

Hi im new to all this just hoping someone could make me this team and give me the code for it since i have AR but not great with pokesav. anyone who can take the time to do this request thank you in advance. Btw this is for heartgold and i would them in the party.

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Wen someone has done it can they post the code in here or pm me it thanks again whoever can help me.

Edited by yusei343
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