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Oh man guys. I'm not much for making codes right now. I think I'm in love. I may be only infatuated, but it feels like more. Just...More. So please have patience. Let the others take care of your requests. I know I've been lazy about codes lately. Bare with me.

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  kunaidude34 said:
Oh man guys. I'm not much for making codes right now. I think I'm in love. I may be only infatuated, but it feels like more. Just...More. So please have patience. Let the others take care of your requests. I know I've been lazy about codes lately. Bare with me.

My request hasn't been done since like 2 weeks ago..(Since I put it up :[ )

  kunaidude34 said:
Yea, but Ive only been making codes for one. I'm really sorry Chris. Maybe someone else will have time to do the code. Note: I'm back in school. Spring Break is over.

It's okay, Leon is doing it for me. :)

  kunaidude34 said:
I know I've been lazy about codes lately. Bare with me.

I've been getting lazy as well. Just too time consuming when everyone wants you to crank out a full party. But I'll post codes whenever I can kick my butt into gear. Also, again, If you're still not taken care of, please pm me with the code requests.

Posted (edited)

Hey,Im new on these fourms. I realize how busy the pokesavers are with all the requests coming fast but I really hope you can help me soon. I would like:

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I kept it to a minimum of 2 pokemon to make it as easy as possible for the pokesavers doing this for me. It is VERY MUCH appreciated. However if you only have time to do one of them,then I would be happy with just Swellow.

I REALLY hate to bother people but I have bought three ARs in the history of my life and all of them broke down........So I am extremely sorry if I am any trouble. Also,if you would like anything in return I would be happy to give you some of my event pokemon.

EDIT: Here's the AR code for my pokemon,thanks to Mewchu. It replaces pokemon in Slots 5 and 6 press L+R to activate:

94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 E0000458 000000EC 167EAC08 32090000 82170A7D D5FB64E3 5FE35645 0C3D7123 EBBB67E4 D42C45A6 164EB110 E830692B A7313C2E E489F46A C3D3A1E1 267107F2 F2C25723 3AE690B3 CA4533D3 01403E02 96B02A24 0589ADC3 9FB2D2C2 AEF00267 63992094 68A639B5 D894913A 82F090D7 CFAC29AA 42822CF9 1B21FE85 DFD8B017 C8850D7C 925308F0 7CD70AD8 F50A4D82 43FF428A FFAE403F 3F5F13D7 A0FAA7AB C5070483 5EDE6DD5 6936AACD C0CC9BDA 235440FE 4684FCCB FBE2F90B 2FCE6D5E 96D5F559 1A5972E0 1E0FFAD7 99DE4D66 50283052 2E85F948 B7717F08 3D87D3CF 4D35687A F014D72C 0D416586 1C75A1AC 3DA722B4 00000000 E0000544 000000EC C68D7CFA 4E540000 507100F9 4678CB84 8CED0C2E 35A7DF93 B6B69529 14409ABC 0395B27B 9D1661DF 94EA4D29 0870D98B AB3ACF35 C29EEF7D 67C1A69D 8F7726BD 6C670712 D2876010 45178E33 9FA3EC5E 2E271F9B EE92CFDC AF7C9A10 8A118DE1 ADC669BF E353BB17 6A485D23 C974B68C 12220B49 66A21343 02A89AFE 4A20A7AC E0B9314C 92A5BDC9 00E9C9AE EBFEA255 8CBBC055 49C1ADD6 36260DDC 8917254F 115FE563 7652A5B7 58A60AC2 6BDD9678 8430648F E0CF68DE C0A37DA0 1FF878A6 67B9A9BD 6B2561D3 5F22C199 0EA1DFC1 81A9AA00 28FF8979 76951A4C 2B17FF47 9B51561D 544D5D8A E34ECE48 00000000 D2000000 00000000

All I need now is for someone with an AR to trade it to me. I don't mind waiting but it would be appreciated if someone could help me ASAP. If anyone would like to help out,please PM me.

Thank You Very Much,

Aathman K.

Edited by A-man

I have it fellow savers. When ever your ready, A-man.And, also, I'm doing my best behind the scenes lately to be a help. Ray's in the military, and now everyone else is stuck doing without the best to learn from.


Aaaaaaahhh.....snap PP. Im not sure if I can make any more codes. I've gotten RLY busy lately. It's been hard even finding time to be on any more.

Note: I'm in the Sixth Grade, and the OAA testing starts next week. I've got to study, study, study.Hopefully afterwards, I'm not so stressed, and feeling the need to rest, and do only for my self, will be gone. After testing, I will get to any and all requests not finished. I'll post when testing is over. When I do, message me telling that your request hasn't been finished.

Posted (edited)


Hey, we all need some "me" time once in a while. I'm sure the other 'savers and I can hold down the fort without too much trouble. Don't stress too much though, it'll be over before you know it. :)

**EDIT** Also, if anyone is curious, I've got a shiny Spiky-eared Pichu that's maxed out.

Edited by Mewchu
Saving space

Thank you so much Kunai! I realize you're pretty busy but Im ready to trade now if youve got time. I live in Canada so we might have to arrange a time that suites our time zones. My FC for wi fi trade is 1892 3369 5608.

Thank You Very Much,

Aathman K.


Thanks for all the support Mewchu :D It's people like you that's the reason I stay. Every once in a while, there's the one, mean, jerk of a member (Ex. Doc :P) that everyone but the other jerks love to hate.


I'm sure most of you are swimming in requests so you can take your time with mine. I just hope I am not bugging any one with this >.<

I'll need to this traded to me, and I live in New York City so whoever is doing this one can arrange a time with me.

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  Shuppa said:
I'm sure most of you are swimming in requests so you can take your time with mine. I just hope I am not bugging any one with this >.<

I'll need to this traded to me, and I live in New York City so whoever is doing this one can arrange a time with me.

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I took the liberty of throwing this together, but until my situation changes, I can only write the code, I can't trade anything off. So if anyone would be so kind as to load and trade, here is the code for the Growlithe to trade to Shuppa.

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Whenever a PokeSav'r has a chance to trade off several Pokemon for me, please me so I can send the files to someone. They're all done in the correct format, but I have no way of getting them into the game itself.


Hey, i just need this request in a .pkm file and i will be good to go.

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  roflskippy said:
Hey, i just need this request in a .pkm file and i will be good to go.
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I had to make one little change. Since Faraway Island was on Emerald, the only way it could possibly be obtained in D/P/Pt/HG/SS is for it to have migrated to the Pal Park. As far as I know, there's not even a hex for Faraway Island. And yes, I did research before coming to this conclusion. Anyway, it should work out just fine.


ROFLSkippyMEW.pkmFetching info...

  roflskippy said:
Hey, i just need this request in a .pkm file and i will be good to go.
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I decided to make this one since... Mewchu, you didn't add a region, thus making it to... well, I have no clue what it's going to say it's migrated from. Probably "----" or something close. Also, the Pokemon isn't legal, the PID isn't shiny. ;)

And here is my file for it. Trash bytes are not correct, since Macs do not allow the Normalizer, so I'd suggest you get it fixed by someone else if you want it to be completely legal.

ROFLSkippy Mew-Shiny.pkm

ROFLSkippy Mew-Shiny.pkmFetching info...


OMG TESTING IS TOMORROW! (Starts anyways xD) So I will get right on the requests on Thursday. A week from than, it's the math test. Ugh, a twelve-year old code maker, who's busy as heck with studying. What nerd does that describe?

Oh. That's me :P


Hey Mewchu would it be ok if you made me codes for the Dittos u posted for me on pg. 25 please? Just please don't make them into one long code I have to put them in buy hand. Thanks very much and sorry for the trouble.

  Aarux said:
I decided to make this one since... Mewchu, you didn't add a region, thus making it to... well, I have no clue what it's going to say it's migrated from. Probably "----" or something close. Also, the Pokemon isn't legal, the PID isn't shiny. ;)

And here is my file for it. Trash bytes are not correct, since Macs do not allow the Normalizer, so I'd suggest you get it fixed by someone else if you want it to be completely legal.

Sheesh... That's what I get for 'saving at 3AM. The program shows the PID as legit, but I'll try work out the bugs and keep a closer eye on that in the future. Thanks for the head's up.

  SwitzaHouse said:
Hey Mewchu would it be ok if you made me codes for the Dittos u posted for me on pg. 25 please? Just please don't make them into one long code I have to put them in buy hand. Thanks very much and sorry for the trouble.

Still had the files, so quick work. ;) Anyway, here are your dittos in the order requested:

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I HATED putting in codes by hand. That's why I started using the AR software on my compy. It's so much more convenient to just point and click.


Thanks Mewchu. Yeah I wish I had the software but I have a Mac and there is always never a version for Mac for things like that. I even tried running Crossover but it epic failed hahahaha. Also by the way what game are the codes for? And of course Thank you very much.


Yeah, I know it's hard to make Pokemon at hours like that. I'd recommend not to, haha~

Also. Since I think Kunai's the only trader here, and a busy one at that, I can trade people their Pokemon. I'd appreciate it if requests were messaged to me, since I notice messages faster. Hope this lightens the duties of other workers.

'Course, I have about five, six tests coming up within the next few weeks. I took one this week, another's coming on Monday. Regardless, I never study... so I'll be around. Thanks, guys~

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